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Saturday, September 26, 2015


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Ecology, the study of the relationship of plants and animals to their physical and biological environment. The physical environment includes light and heat or solar radiation, moisture, wind, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients in soil, water, and atmosphere. The biological environment includes organisms of the same kind as well as other plants and animals.
Because of the diverse approaches required to study organisms in their environment, ecology draws upon such fields as climatology, hydrology, oceanography, physics, chemistry, geology, and soil analysis. To study the relationships between organisms, ecology also involves such disparate sciences as animal behavior, taxonomy, physiology, and mathematics.
An increased public awareness of environmental problems has made ecology a common but often misused word. It is confused with environmental programs and environmental science (see Environment). Although the field is a distinct scientific discipline, ecology does indeed contribute to the study and understanding of environmental problems.
The term ecology was introduced by the German biologist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel in 1866; it is derived from the Greek oikos (“household”), sharing the same root word as economics. Thus, the term implies the study of the economy of nature. Modern ecology, in part, began with Charles Darwin. In developing his theory of evolution, Darwin stressed the adaptation of organisms to their environment through natural selection. Also making important contributions were plant geographers, such as Alexander von Humboldt, who were deeply interested in the “how” and “why” of vegetational distribution around the world.
The thin mantle of life that covers the earth is called the biosphere. Several approaches are used to classify its regions.
A Biomes
The broad units of vegetation are called plant formations by European ecologists and biomes by North American ecologists. The major difference between the two terms is that biomes include associated animal life. Major biomes, however, go by the name of the dominant forms of plant life.
Influenced by latitude, elevation, and associated moisture and temperature regimes, terrestrial biomes vary geographically from the tropics through the arctic and include various types of forest, grassland, shrub land, and desert. These biomes also include their associated freshwater communities: streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands. Marine environments, also considered biomes by some ecologists, comprise the open ocean, littoral (shallow water) regions, benthic (bottom) regions, rocky shores, sandy shores, estuaries, and associated tidal marshes.
See also Chaparral; Coral Reef; Estuary; Marine Life; Marshland; Peatland; Savanna; Shore Life; Tundra.

Parts of EcosystemSecondary consumers are a diverse group of animals—some eat primary consumers and some eat other secondary consumers. Those animals that eat smaller primary consumers include frogs, snakes, foxes, and spiders. Animals that eat secondary consumers include hawks, wolves, and lions. Primary consumers are animals that feed on plants. This group includes some insects, seed- and fruit-eating birds, rodents, and larger animals that graze on vegetation, such as deer. When primary consumers eat primary producers (plants), the energy in plant cells changes into a form that can be stored in animal cells. 

Primary producers....Plants are primary producers. All life in an ecosystem depends on primary producers to capture energy from the Sun, convert it to food that is stored in plant cells, and pass this energy on to organisms that eat plants. 
Decomposers include worms, mushrooms, and microscopic bacteria. These organisms break down dead plants and animals into the nutrients needed by plants to survive.

A more useful way of looking at the terrestrial and aquatic landscapes is to view them as ecosystems, a word coined in 1935 by the British plant ecologist Sir Arthur George Tansley to stress the concept of each locale or habitat as an integrated whole. A system is a collection of interdependent parts that function as a unit and involve inputs and outputs. The major parts of an ecosystem are the producers (green plants), the consumers (herbivores and carnivores), the decomposers (fungi and bacteria), and the nonliving, or abiotic, component, consisting of dead organic matter and nutrients in the soil and water. Inputs into the ecosystem are solar energy, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other elements and compounds. Outputs from the ecosystem include water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrient losses, and the heat released in cellular respiration, or heat of respiration. The major driving force is solar energy.
C Energy and Nutrients
Ecosystems function with energy flowing in one direction from the sun, and through nutrients, which are continuously recycled. Light energy is used by plants, which, by the process of photosynthesis, convert it to chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates and other carbon compounds. This energy is then transferred through the ecosystem by a series of steps that involve eating and being eaten, or what is called a food web. Each step in the transfer of energy involves several trophic, or feeding, levels: plants, herbivores (plant eaters), two or three levels of carnivores (meat eaters), and decomposers. Only a fraction of the energy fixed by plants follows this pathway, known as the grazing food web. Plant and animal matter not used in the grazing food chain, such as fallen leaves, twigs, roots, tree trunks, and the dead bodies of animals, support the decomposer food web. Bacteria, fungi, and animals that feed on dead material become the energy source for higher trophic levels that tie into the grazing food web. In this way nature makes maximum use of energy originally fixed by plants.
The number of trophic levels is limited in both types of food webs, because at each transfer a great deal of energy is lost (such as heat of respiration) and is no longer usable or transferable to the next trophic level. Thus, each trophic level contains less energy than the trophic level supporting it. For this reason, as an example, deer or caribou (herbivores) are more abundant than wolves (carnivores).
Energy flow fuels the biogeochemical, or nutrient, cycles. The cycling of nutrients begins with their release from organic matter by weathering and decomposition in a form that can be picked up by plants. Plants incorporate nutrients available in soil and water and store them in their tissues. The nutrients are transferred from one trophic level to another through the food web. Because most plants and animals go uneaten, nutrients contained in their tissues, after passing through the decomposer food web, are ultimately released by bacterial and fungal decomposition, a process that reduces complex organic compounds into simple inorganic compounds available for reuse by plants.
D Imbalances
Within an ecosystem nutrients are cycled internally. But there are leakages or outputs, and these must be balanced by inputs, or the ecosystem will fail to function. Nutrient inputs to the system come from weathering of rocks, from windblown dust, and from precipitation, which can carry material great distances. Varying quantities of nutrients are carried from terrestrial ecosystems by the movement of water and deposited in aquatic ecosystems and associated lowlands. Erosion and the harvesting of timber and crops remove considerable quantities of nutrients that must be replaced. The failure to do so results in an impoverishment of the ecosystem. This is why agricultural lands must be fertilized.
If inputs of any nutrient greatly exceed outputs, the nutrient cycle in the ecosystem becomes stressed or overloaded, resulting in pollution. Pollution can be considered an input of nutrients exceeding the capability of the ecosystem to process them. Nutrients eroded and leached from agricultural lands, along with sewage and industrial wastes accumulated from urban areas, all drain into streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. These pollutants destroy plants and animals that cannot tolerate their presence or the changed environmental conditions caused by them; at the same time they favor a few organisms more tolerant to changed conditions. Thus, precipitation filled with sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen from industrial areas converts to weak sulfuric and nitric acids, known as acid rain, and falls on large areas of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This upsets acid-base relations in some ecosystems, killing fish and aquatic invertebrates, and increasing soil acidity, which reduces forest growth in northern and other ecosystems that lack limestone to neutralize the acid.
See Carbon Cycle; Nitrogen Cycle.
The functional units of an ecosystem are the populations of organisms through which energy and nutrients move. A population is a group of interbreeding organisms of the same kind living in the same place at the same time (see Species and Speciation). Groups of populations within an ecosystem interact in various ways. These interdependent populations of plants and animals make up the community, which encompasses the biotic portion of the ecosystem.
A Diversity
The community has certain attributes, among them dominance and species diversity. Dominance results when one or several species control the environmental conditions that influence associated species. In a forest, for example, the dominant species may be one or more species of trees, such as oak or spruce; in a marine community the dominant organisms frequently are animals such as mussels or oysters. Dominance can influence diversity of species in a community because diversity involves not only the number of species in a community, but also how numbers of individual species are apportioned.
The physical nature of a community is evidenced by layering, or stratification. In terrestrial communities, stratification is influenced by the growth form of the plants. Simple communities such as grasslands, with little vertical stratification, usually consist of two layers, the ground layer and the herbaceous layer. A forest has up to six layers: ground, herbaceous, low shrub, low tree and high shrub, lower canopy, and upper canopy. These strata influence the physical environment and diversity of habitats for wildlife. Vertical stratification of life in aquatic communities, by contrast, is influenced mostly by physical conditions: depth, light, temperature, pressure, salinity, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
B Habitat and Niche
The community provides the habitat—the place where particular plants or animals live. Within the habitat, organisms occupy different niches. A niche is the functional role of a species in a community—that is, its occupation, or how it earns its living. For example, the scarlet tanager lives in a deciduous forest habitat. Its niche, in part, is gleaning insects from the canopy foliage. The more a community is stratified, the more finely the habitat is divided into additional niches.

Pyramid of Numbers and Pyramids of Biomass
The pyramid of number is thin with hawk since the number of hawks (Tertiary comsumers) is less than what it eats ( i.e. sparrowhawk.) Then the bar of caterpillar is far wide due to its very large presence of population and the the bar of tree is very thin because its only one, very less in numbers as compared to the caterpillars, big tree can hold thousands of them.
The pyramid of biomass bar is thin with hawk since the term ,biomass, refers to the mass of a living thing without its water content. since almost 4 kg of Hawk will eat 100s of sparrows (almost 50 plus kgs total) which will eat thousands of caterpillar (almost 2000kgs of caterpillars yuck!) which will consume a tree weighing 2-3000 kgs, (this all consumption is measured for equal given number of time.) hence the bars of pyramid decreases linearly.

C Population Growth Rates
Populations have a birth rate (the number of young produced per unit of population per unit of time), a death rate (the number of deaths per unit of time), and a growth rate. The major agent of population growth is births, and the major agent of population loss is deaths. When births exceed deaths, a population increases; and when deaths exceed additions to a population, it decreases. When births equal deaths in a given population, its size remains the same, and it is said to have zero population growth.
When introduced into a favorable environment with an abundance of resources, a small population may undergo geometric, or exponential growth, in the manner of compound interest. Many populations experience exponential growth in the early stages of colonizing a habitat because they take over an underexploited niche or drive other populations out of a profitable one. Those populations that continue to grow exponentially, however, eventually reach the upper limits of the resources; they then decline sharply because of some catastrophic event such as starvation, disease, or competition from other species. In a general way, populations of plants and animals that characteristically experience cycles of exponential growth are species that produce numerous young, provide little in the way of parental care, or produce an abundance of seeds having little food reserves. These species, usually short-lived, disperse rapidly and are able to colonize harsh or disturbed environments. Such organisms are often called opportunistic species.
Other populations tend to grow exponentially at first, and then logistically—that is, their growth slows as the population increases, then levels off as the limits of their environment or carrying capacity are reached. Through various regulatory mechanisms, such populations maintain something of an equilibrium between their numbers and available resources. Animals exhibiting such population growth tend to produce fewer young but do provide them with parental care; the plants produce large seeds with considerable food reserves. These organisms are long-lived, have low dispersal rates, and are poor colonizers of disturbed habitats. They tend to respond to changes in population density (the number of organisms per unit area) through changes in birth and death rates rather than through dispersal. As the population approaches the limit of resources, birth rates decline, and mortality of young and adults increases.
D Community Interactions
Major influences on population growth involve various population interactions that tie the community together. These include competition, both within a species and among species; predation, including parasitism; and coevolution, or adaptation.
D1 Competition
When a shared resource is in short supply, organisms compete, and those that are more successful survive. Within some plant and animal populations, all individuals may share the resources in such a way that none obtains sufficient quantities to survive as adults or to reproduce. Among other plant and animal populations, dominant individuals claim access to the scarce resources and others are excluded. Individual plants tend to claim and hold onto a site until they lose vigor or die. These prevent other individuals from surviving by controlling light, moisture, and nutrients in their immediate areas.
Many animals have a highly developed social organization through which resources such as space, food, and mates are apportioned among dominant members of the population. Such competitive interactions may involve social dominance, in which the dominant individuals exclude subdominant individuals from the resource; or they may involve territoriality, in which the dominant individuals divide space into exclusive areas, which they defend. Subdominant or excluded individuals are forced to live in poorer habitats, do without the resource, or leave the area. Many of these animals succumb to starvation, exposure, and predation.
Competition among members of different species results in the division of resources in a community. Certain plants, for example, have roots that grow to different depths in the soil. Some have shallow roots that permit them to use moisture and nutrients near the surface. Others growing in the same place have deep roots that are able to exploit moisture and nutrients not available to surface-rooted plants.
D2 Predation
One of the fundamental interactions is predation, or the consumption of one living organism, plant or animal, by another. While it serves to move energy and nutrients through the ecosystem, predation may also regulate population and promote natural selection by weeding the unfit from a population. Thus, a rabbit is a predator on grass, just as the fox is a predator on the rabbit. Predation on plants involves defoliation by grazers and the consumption of seeds and fruits. The abundance of plant predators, or herbivores, directly influences the growth and survival of the carnivores. Thus, predator-prey interactions at one feeding level influence the predator-prey relations at the next feeding level. In some communities, predators may so reduce populations of prey species that a number of competing species can coexist in the same area because none is abundant enough to control the resource. When predators are reduced or removed, however, the dominant species tend to crowd out other competitors, thereby reducing species diversity.

D3 Parasitism
Life Cycle of the Malaria Parasite
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a one-celled parasite known as Plasmodium. The parasite is transmitted to humans by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. The Plasmodium parasite spends its life cycle partly in humans and partly in mosquitoes. (A) Mosquito infected with the malaria parasite bites human, passing cells called sporozoites into the human’s bloodstream. (B) Sporozoites travel to the liver. Each sporozoite undergoes asexual reproduction, in which its nucleus splits to form two new cells, called merozoites. (C) Merozoites enter the bloodstream and infect red blood cells. (D) In red blood cells, merozoites grow and divide to produce more merozoites, eventually causing the red blood cells to rupture. Some of the newly released merozoites go on to infect other red blood cells. (E) Some merozoites develop into sex cells known as male and female gametocytes. (F) Another mosquito bites the infected human, ingesting the gametocytes. (G) In the mosquito’s stomach, the gametocytes mature. Male and female gametocytes undergo sexual reproduction, uniting to form a zygote. The zygote multiplies to form sporozoites, which travel to the mosquito’s salivary glands. (H) If this mosquito bites another human, the cycle begins again.

Parasite, organism that lives in or on a second organism, called a host, usually causing it some harm. A parasite is generally smaller than the host and of a different species. Parasites are dependent on the host for some or all of their nourishment. For example, a tapeworm, a flattened worm that lives in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals, lacks an intestine of its own and must absorb predigested food from the intestine of its host. This food is the tapeworm’s only energy source for growth and reproduction. Parasitism affects most life forms, from bacteria infected by the viruses known as bacteriophages, to humans, who are subject to more than 100 parasites known to cause disease.
Parasites come in a variety of forms. Many arthropod parasites, including mites, ticks, and mosquitoes, cause a number of debilitating animal and human diseases. Certain plants, including mistletoe and dodder, parasitize other plants to obtain water and nutrients. Microscopic parasites include single-celled protozoans such as amoebas and sporozoa, fungi, and bacteria, which can infect animals and plants. Viruses are entirely parasitic, able to survive and reproduce only within other living organisms.
Parasites that live on the inside of the host’s body are known as endoparasites, while those that live on the outer surface of their hosts are known as ectoparasites. This distinction reflects adaptations made by the parasite to overcome certain barriers to parasitism. For example, when invaded by a parasite, a host often triggers an immune response, a cellular reaction that works to destroy the invader. Parasitic worms, including flatworms (soft-bodied worms, such as tapeworms and flukes) and roundworms (thin, unsegmented worms, also called nematodes) are endoparasites, usually living in the intestines, lungs, liver, or other internal organs of their hosts. These worms have developed adaptations that enable them to avoid the host’s immune response, such as during a developmental stage when they are protected by a cyst wall or an outer surface that constantly changes, thereby making it difficult for the host immune system to target the parasite for attack.
Many ectoparasites have developed structures, such as suckers, hooks, and teeth, which help penetrate the host’s outer surface. Primitive fishes, such as hagfish and lampreys, use suctionlike mouths to attach to the outer surface of other fish and suck out nutrients. Some annelids (segmented worms), such as leeches, are also ectoparasites, using sucking disks to feed on the blood and tissues of vertebrate hosts.
Parasites vary in the ways they use their hosts. Temporary parasites spend only part of their lives in or on their hosts. Ticks, fleas, mites, and other arthropods, for example, attach to hosts and then detach to live as free-living organisms. Ticks normally live in woods and tall grass. To feed they may climb onto a passing dog, sink their mouthparts into the flesh, drink a small amount of blood, and then drop off the host. Most flatworms and roundworms are permanent parasites and live their entire adult lives in their hosts.
Facultative parasites are not dependent on their hosts for survival. Many leeches will feed on the blood or tissues of their hosts, but when released in an aquatic environment survive as free-living organisms. Obligate parasites are totally dependent upon their hosts for survival and will die without their host. A bacteriophage, for instance, would be unable to survive and reproduce if it was removed from its bacterium host.
In order to survive from one generation to the next, parasites have a series of distinct developmental stages and hosts collectively known as a life cycle. Life cycles range from a simple, single host that is home to the larval and adult stages of a parasite, to the more complex life cycles requiring one host for the developmental stage of the parasite and a second host for the adult stage.
Beef tapeworms have a simple life cycle. These worms form cysts in the muscles of cows. When a human eats infected beef that is improperly cooked, the cyst enters the human digestive tract and opens to release a worm that attaches to the wall of the small intestine. The worm absorbs large quantities of nutrients from the intestines, sometimes causing malnutrition in its human host. The adult worm releases eggs that are passed out in the feces where they can infect other animals.
The eye fluke is a good example of a complex life cycle, although many variations of complex life cycles exist. Adult eye flukes live in the eyelids of wading birds and release their eggs into the water when the birds dip their heads underwater to feed. Each egg hatches and releases a microscopic free-living larva called a miracidium. The miracidium must penetrate the skin of a specific species of aquatic snail within a few hours or it will die. Once inside the snail, the miracidium develops into a 1 to 2 mm (0.04 to 0.08 in) long, saclike stage called a redia. The redia feeds on snail tissue and buds off other larval stages through asexual reproduction.
A new larval stage called a cercaria is produced within the redia. The 0.5 mm (0.02 in) long cercaria is a free-living, nonfeeding, short-lived stage that resembles a tadpole. It migrates to the surface of the snail's soft tissue and is shed into the environment. There, it swims and attaches to the surface of a small invertebrate such as a snail, clam, or crab, and forms a cyst. Wading birds feed on these invertebrates and become infected when the cyst wall breaks in the bird’s mouth. The released larva, called a metacercaria, travels through a slit in the back of the bird’s throat and migrates to the bird’s eye. In the bird’s eyelid it develops into a mature adult capable of producing eggs and starting the cycle once again.
Other parasites have life cycles that involve intermediate organisms, or vectors, which carry disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another. The protozoan blood parasite that causes sleeping sickness, or trypanosomiasis, infects humans, cattle, and other animals. It uses the tsetse fly as a vector to carry it from one host to the next. When a tsetse fly bites an infected animal, it picks up the parasite when it sucks blood. When an infected fly bites another animal, the parasite enters the bloodstream and begins to reproduce in the new host.
Animals are infected by many parasites including protozoans, worm parasites, and arthropod parasites such as mites, ticks, and fleas. Veterinarians diagnose these parasites in or on pets by checking the animal for visible parasites or by examining blood, tissue, or waste products under a microscope. Common worm parasites of dogs and cats include hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms.
Hookworm infection occurs when larvae in the soil penetrate the pet’s skin, move into the bloodstream, and eventually travel to the intestine. Adult worms mature in the wall of the intestine and feed on blood from the intestinal lining, sometimes causing serious anemia. Roundworm infections of dogs and cats occur when these pets eat microscopic worm eggs present in the soil. The eggs develop larval stages in the intestine and some of these larvae penetrate the intestinal wall, move into the lungs, are coughed up and reswallowed, and once again enter the small intestine where they mature into 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 in) worms. Roundworms compete with the pet for food and may cause malnutrition.
While the roundworm enters its host by ingestion and the hookworm enters by active penetration of the skin, the heartworm enters its dog host with the help of a mosquito vector. Microscopic larvae known as microfilariae enter the blood along with mosquito saliva when an infected mosquito bites a dog. The larvae travel via the blood stream to the heart and develop into sexually mature male and female heartworms. They grow 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in) in length infesting the heart’s chambers and lodging in the veins that enter the heart.
Humans are subjected to numerous protozoan, worm, and insect-related parasites. Two of the most damaging human parasites are the protozoan Plasmodium that causes malaria and the flatworm Schistosoma that causes schistosomiasis. There are an estimated 400 million to 600 million cases of malaria each year and 200 million cases of schistosomiasis worldwide.
In malaria, the infective larval stage of the Plasmodium protozoan is transmitted to humans by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. The larvae undergo asexual reproduction in the liver producing a cyst that releases new larval stages into the blood stream. Larvae invade red blood cells and reproduce, eventually rupturing the blood cells. Upon rupturing, a toxin is released that causes the chills and fever that are the characteristic symptoms of malaria patients. Drugs such as chloroquine can be used to prevent infection in the blood. Mosquito control by use of repellents and pesticides is also helpful in preventing spread of the parasite.
Humans are infected with Schistosoma when they enter water containing infected snails. The larval stages of this flatworm develop in the tissues of infected snails and eventually release fork-tailed cercariae into the water. The cercariae penetrate human skin, lose their forked tails, enter the blood, and migrate to major veins in the liver, intestine, or urinary bladder. Within about six weeks of infection, the juvenile worms develop into sexually mature adults measuring 1 to 2 cm (0.4 to 0.8 in) in length. The males and females mate and produce microscopic eggs, some of which migrate to the liver and cause a condition known as cirrhosis. Other eggs move into the intestine and are passed out in the feces. When untreated human sewage enters waters containing the snail hosts, the eggs hatch and start a new cycle.
Preventive measures include the use of boots and gloves or special ointments to block penetration of the larvae into the skin. Molluscicides (drugs that kill snails) are used to kill infected snails but they often kill other important fish and invertebrate species. The drug praziquantel has proved effective in killing Schistosoma in humans, although some people experience adverse side effects.
Similar organisms that parasitize animals also infect plants (see Diseases of Plants). Fungi cause the majority of plant diseases. Although they typically feed on dead organic matter, fungi can also feed directly on living tissues. The fungus that causes Dutch elm disease is often carried from tree to tree by beetles. It attacks and eventually kills by blocking water flow through the plant. Protozoans such as phytoflagellates can parasitize milkweed plants. Bacterial plant diseases include fire blights, certain soft rots, and citrus canker. The bacteria that cause these diseases destroy tissue or block the passage of water through the plant. Numerous viruses, such as the tobacco mosaic virus, also attack plants. Certain insects and worms, particularly nematodes, parasitize the roots, stems, and leaves of plants. They secrete chemicals that induce plant cells around the parasite to rapidly divide and produce large growths known as galls. Galls formed by the root knot nematode can cause serious physical damage to the roots of important crops including tomatoes and potatoes.
Some higher plants feed on other plants and cause them harm. One group known as hemiparasites, or water parasites, absorbs water and nutrients from their plant hosts. Witchweed is a hemiparasitic seed plant that damages sugarcane, corn, and other grasslike crops by attaching itself to the host’s roots and absorbing minerals and water, eventually killing the host. Mistletoe, another hemiparasite, parasitizes broadleaf trees including ash, maple, walnut, birch, and some conifers. Mistletoe roots bore into the host’s branches in order to draw out water and nutrients. Birds eat mistletoe berries, which pass through their digestive tracks, are excreted, and sometimes stick to a tree branch where they produce a new mistletoe bush.
True plant parasites lack chlorophyll and cannot photosynthesize. These plants must obtain carbohydrates as well as minerals and water from their plant hosts. True plant parasites include dwarf mistletoe, which primarily parasitizes conifers; dodder, which parasitizes important agricultural crops such as alfalfa, clover, sugar beets, and woody perennials such as olive trees; and broomrape, which causes extensive damage to tomato crops.
There are many research areas in parasitology practiced by different types of specialists. Microbiologists and virologists primarily work with parasitic bacteria, rickettsiae, and viruses. Plant pathologists work with fungi, nematode parasites of plants, and other plant parasites. Animal parasitologists work with parasitic protozoans, worm groups, and arthropod parasites. Those who specialize in parasitic protozoans are called protozoologists whereas those who study parasitic worms are called helminthologists. Others who examine parasitic insects of humans are called medical entomologists.
Parasitologists who describe new species of parasites are known as systematic parasitologists. Parasite immunologists study ways in which hosts can reject parasites and they also attempt to develop vaccines against parasites. A growing area of parasitology is ecological parasitology including mathematical and computer modeling that predicts how parasites behave in wild populations.
Parasitologists in pharmaceutical industries develop drugs to prevent, control, and eradicate plant and animal parasites. Many parasitologists work to discover the complex life histories of animal and plant parasites whose life cycles remain partially or completely unknown.

Contributed By:
Bernard Fried

D4 Coevolution
Coevolution is the joint evolution of two unrelated species that have a close ecological relationship—that is, the evolution of one species depends in part on the evolution of the other. Coevolution is also involved in predator-prey relations. Over time, as predators evolve more efficient ways of capturing or consuming prey, the prey evolves ways to escape predation. Plants have acquired such defensive mechanisms as thorns, spines, hard seed-coats, and poisonous or ill-tasting sap that deter would-be consumers. Some herbivores are able to breach these defenses and attack the plant. Certain insects, such as the monarch butterfly, can incorporate poisonous substances found in food plants into their own tissues and use them as a defense against predators. Other animals avoid predators by assuming an appearance that blends them into the background or makes them appear part of the surroundings. The chameleon is a well-known example of this interaction. Some animals possessing obnoxious odors or poisons as a defense also have warning colorations, usually bright colors or patterns, that act as further warning signals to potential predators. See Adaptation; Mimicry.
Another coevolutionary relationship is mutualism, in which two or more species depend on one another and cannot live outside such an association. An example of mutualism is mycorrhizae, an obligatory relationship between fungi and certain plant roots. In one group, called ectomycorrhizae, the fungi form a cap or mantle about the rootlets. The fungal hyphae (threads) invade the rootlet and grow between the cell walls as well as extending outward into the soil from the rootlet. The fungi, which include several common woodland mushrooms, depend on the tree for their energy source. In return the fungi aid the tree in obtaining nutrients from the soil and protect the rootlets of the tree from certain diseases. Without the mycorrhizae some groups of trees, such as conifers and oaks, cannot survive and grow. Conversely, the fungi cannot exist without the trees. See Symbiosis.
E Succession and Climax Communities
Ecosystems are dynamic, in that the populations constituting them do not remain the same. This is reflected in the gradual changes of the vegetational community over time, known as succession. It begins with the colonization of a disturbed area, such as an abandoned crop field or a newly exposed lava flow, by species able to reach and to tolerate the environmental conditions present. Mostly these are opportunistic species that hold on to the site for a variable length of time. Being short-lived and poor competitors, they are eventually replaced by more competitive, longer-lived species such as shrubs, and then trees. In aquatic habitats, successional changes of this kind result largely from changes in the physical environment, such as the buildup of silt at the bottom of a pond. As the pond becomes more shallow, it encourages the invasion of floating plants such as pond lilies and emergent plants such as cattails. The pace at which succession proceeds depends on the competitive abilities of the species involved; tolerance to the environmental conditions brought about by changes in vegetation; the interaction with animals, particularly the grazing herbivores; and fire. Eventually the ecosystem arrives at a point called the climax, where further changes take place very slowly, and the site is dominated by long-lived, highly competitive species. As succession proceeds, however, the community becomes more stratified, enabling more species of animals to occupy the area. In time, animals characteristic of later stages of succession replace those found in earlier stages.

Contributed By:
Robert Leo Smith

Biodiversity or Biological Diversity, sum of all the different species of animals, plants, fungi, and microbial organisms living on Earth and the variety of habitats in which they live. Scientists estimate that upwards of 10 million—and some suggest more than 100 million—different species inhabit the Earth. Each species is adapted to its unique niche in the environment, from the peaks of mountains to the depths of deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and from polar ice caps to tropical rain forests.
Biodiversity underlies everything from food production to medical research. Humans the world over use at least 40,000 species of plants and animals on a daily basis. Many people around the world still depend on wild species for some or all of their food, shelter, and clothing. All of our domesticated plants and animals came from wild-living ancestral species. Close to 40 percent of the pharmaceuticals used in the United States are either based on or synthesized from natural compounds found in plants, animals, or microorganisms.
The array of living organisms found in a particular environment together with the physical and environmental factors that affect them is called an ecosystem. Healthy ecosystems are vital to life: They regulate many of the chemical and climatic systems that make available clean air and water and plentiful oxygen. Forests, for example, regulate the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis (the process by which plants convert energy from sunlight into carbohydrate energy), and control rainfall and soil erosion. Ecosystems, in turn, depend on the continued health and vitality of the individual organisms that compose them. Removing just one species from an ecosystem can prevent the ecosystem from operating optimally.
Perhaps the greatest value of biodiversity is yet unknown. Scientists have discovered and named only 1.75 million species—less than 20 percent of those estimated to exist. And of those identified, only a fraction have been examined for potential medicinal, agricultural, or industrial value. Much of the Earth’s great biodiversity is rapidly disappearing, even before we know what is missing. Most biologists agree that life on Earth is now faced with the most severe extinction episode since the event that drove the dinosaurs to extinction 65 million years ago. Species of plants, animals, fungi, and microscopic organisms such as bacteria are being lost at alarming rates—so many, in fact, that biologists estimate that three species go extinct every hour. Scientists around the world are cataloging and studying global biodiversity in hopes that they might better understand it, or at least slow the rate of loss.
Everywhere there is life, there is more than one distinct type of organism. Even a drop of seawater offers a multitude of different microscopic plants, animals, and less complex life forms. The rich diversity of the living world is connected in two distinct ways. First, different types of organisms live side by side in complex ecological networks of interdependency, each relying on the others that share its habitat for nutrients and energy. Second, all life on Earth is connected in an evolutionary tree of life. At the bottom of the tree is the common ancestor from which all living things descended—a single-celled microbe that lived more than 3.5 billion years ago—and in its uppermost branches are gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and our own species, Homo sapiens.
A Ecological Diversity
Ecological diversity is the intricate network of different species present in local ecosystems and the dynamic interplay between them. An ecosystem consists of organisms from many different species living together in a region that are connected by the flow of energy, nutrients, and matter that occurs as the organisms of different species interact with one another. The ultimate source of energy in nearly all ecosystems is the Sun. The Sun’s radiant energy is converted to chemical energy by plants. This energy flows through the systems when animals eat the plants and then are eaten, in turn, by other animals. Fungi derive energy by decomposing organisms, releasing nutrients back into the soil as they do so. An ecosystem, then, is a collection of living components—microbes, plants, animals, and fungi—and nonliving components—climate and chemicals—that are connected by energy flow.
Removing just one species from an ecosystem damages the flow of energy of that system. For instance, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, sea otters were hunted to near extinction in many kelp forests off the coast of the Pacific Northwest of the United States and western Canada, causing the entire ecosystem to suffer. Otters eat sea urchins, small, spiny organisms that share their habitat. When the otters disappeared, the sea urchin population exploded and started to destroy the vast beds of kelp. Without the kelp, other species that lived in the ecosystem, including many species of fish and snails and other invertebrates, began to decline in number. Efforts to restore sea otter populations brought the kelp communities back to near normal in the late 20th century.
Measuring ecological diversity is difficult because each of the Earth’s ecosystems merges into the ecosystems around it. A lake, for example, might have a distinct shoreline, but the plants fringing its edges are quite different from the aquatic plants in the middle of the lake or the trees and shrubs surrounding the lake. Beavers may live in the lake, but they construct dams from trees that grow in adjacent ecosystems. Nutrients flow into the lake via streams and rivers beyond the lake’s ecosystem.
B Evolutionary Diversity
Every species on Earth is related to every other species in a pattern every bit as complex as the patterns of energy flow within an ecosystem. In evolutionary diversity, the connection is not energy flow, but rather genetic connections that unite species. The more closely related any two species are, the more genetic information they will share, and the more similar they will appear. An ever-widening circle of evolutionary relatedness embraces every species on Earth.
An organism’s closest relatives are members of its own species—that is, other organisms with which it has the potential to mate and produce offspring. Members of a species share genes, the bits of biochemical information that determine, in part, how the animals look, behave, and live. One eastern gray squirrel, for example, shares the vast majority of its genes with other eastern gray squirrels, whether they live in the same area or are separated by thousands of miles. Members of a species also share complex mating behaviors that enable them to recognize each other as potential mates. When a female eastern gray squirrel is ready to mate, she exudes a scent that attracts male eastern gray squirrels. Mating and sharing a common supply of genes unite a species.
For virtually every species there is a similar and closely related species in an adjacent habitat. West of the Rocky Mountains, one finds western gray squirrels instead of eastern gray squirrels. Although western gray squirrels are more similar to than different from their eastern counterparts, these animals do not share a common mating behavior with eastern gray squirrels. Even when brought into close proximity, eastern and western gray squirrels do not mate, and so constitute two distinct species.
Each species has other, more remotely related species, which share a more general set of characteristics. Gray squirrels, chipmunks, marmots, and prairie dogs all belong to the squirrel family because they share a number of features, such as tooth number and shape, and details of skull and muscle anatomy. All of these animals are rodents, a large group of more distantly related animals who share similar chisel-like incisor teeth that grow continuously. All rodents are related to a broader group, mammals. Mammals have hair, raise their young on milk, and have three bones in the middle ear. All mammals, in turn, are more distantly related to other animals with backbones, or vertebrates. All these organisms are animals but share a common cell structure with plants, fungi, and some microbes. Finally, all living organisms share a common molecule, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and most also have deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). These molecules direct the production of proteins—molecules responsible for the structure and function of virtually all living cells.
This is the evolutionary chain of life. All species are descended from a single common ancestor. From that ancient single-celled microbe, all inherited RNA. As time goes by, species diverge and develop their own peculiar attributes, thus making their own contribution to biodiversity (see Evolution).
Most biologists accept the estimate of American evolutionary biologist Edward O. Wilson that the Earth is losing approximately 27,000 species per year. This estimate is based primarily on the rate of disappearance of ecosystems, especially tropical forests and grasslands, and our knowledge of the species that live in such systems. We can measure the rate of loss of tropical rain forests, for example, by analyzing satellite photographs of continents from different periods that show rates and amounts of habitat destruction—and from these measurements calculate the approximate number of species being lost each year.
This extraordinary rate of extinction has occurred only five times before in the history of complex life on Earth. Mass extinctions of the geological past were caused by catastrophic physical disasters, such as climate changes or meteorite impacts, which destroyed and disrupted ecosystems around the globe. In the fifth mass extinction, which occurred more than 65 million years ago, the Earth was shrouded in a cloud of atmospheric dust—the result of meteorite impact or widespread volcanic activity. The resulting environmental disruption caused the demise of 76 percent of all species alive at the time, including the dinosaurs. Today’s sixth extinction is likewise primarily caused by ecosystem disturbance—but this time the destroying force is not the physical environment, but rather humankind. The human transformation of the Earth's surface threatens to be every bit as destructive as any of the past cataclysmic physical disasters.
The underlying cause of biodiversity loss is the explosion in human population, now at 6 billion, but expected to double again by the year 2050. The human population already consumes nearly half of all the food, crops, medicines, and other useful items produced by the Earth’s organisms, and more than 1 billion people on Earth lack adequate supplies of fresh water (see World Food Supply). But the problem is not sheer numbers of people alone: The unequal distribution and consumption of resources and other forms of wealth on the planet must also be considered. According to some estimates, the average middle-class American consumes an amazing 30 times what a person living in a developing nation consumes. Thus the impact of the 270 million American people must be multiplied by 30 to derive an accurate comparative estimate of the impact such industrialized nations have on the world's ecosystems.
The single greatest threat to global biodiversity is the human destruction of natural habitats. Since the invention of agriculture about 10,000 years ago, the human population has increased from approximately 5 million to a full 6 billion people. During that time, but especially in the past several centuries, humans have radically transformed the face of planet Earth. The conversion of forests, grasslands, and wetlands for agricultural purposes, coupled with the multiplication and growth of urban centers and the building of dams and canals, highways, and railways, has physically altered ecosystems to the point that extinction of species has reached its current alarming pace.
In addition, overexploitation of the world's natural resources, such as fisheries and forests, has greatly outstripped the rate at which these systems can recover. For example, 12 of the 13 largest oceanic fisheries are severely depleted. Modern fishing techniques, such as using huge fishing nets and bottom vacuuming techniques, remove everything in their paths—including tons of fish and invertebrates of no commercial use. These victims, as well as porpoises and seals that are also hauled in as accidental catches, are permanently removed from their populations, significantly altering the ecosystems in which they live.
As human populations have grown, people have spread out to the four corners of the Earth. In the process, whether on purpose or by accident, they have introduced nonnative species that have created ecological nightmares, disrupting local ecosystems and, in many cases, directly driving native species extinct. For example, the brown tree snake was introduced to the island of Guam, probably as a stowaway on visiting military cargo ships after World War II (1939-1945). The snake devastated the native bird population, driving over half a dozen native species of birds to extinction—simply because the native birds had not been exposed to this type of predator and did not recognize the danger posed by these snakes.
As the scope and significance of biodiversity loss become better understood, positive steps to stem the tide of the sixth extinction have been proposed and, to some extent, adopted. Several nations have enacted laws protecting endangered wildlife. An international treaty known as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) went into effect in 1975 to outlaw the trade of endangered animals and animal parts. In the United States, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted in 1973 to protect endangered or threatened species and their habitats. The Convention on Biological Diversity, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 and ratified by more than 160 countries, obligates governments to take action to protect plant and animal species.
In the last three decades, focus has shifted away from the preservation of individual species to the protection of large tracts of habitats linked by corridors that enable animals to move between the habitats. Thus the movement to save, for example, the spotted owl of the Pacific Northwest, has become an effort to protect vast tracts of old-growth timber (see National Parks and Preserves).
Promising as these approaches may be, conservation efforts will never succeed in the long run if the local economic needs of people living in and near threatened ecosystems are not taken into account. This is particularly true in developing countries, where much of the world’s remaining undisturbed land is located. At the end of the 20th century, international organizations such as the World Bank and the World Wildlife Fund launched a movement for all countries in the developing world to set aside 10 percent of their forests in protected areas. But many communities living near these protected areas have relied on the rain forest for food and firewood for thousands of years. Left with few economic alternatives, these communities may be left without enough food to eat.
To address this problem, the burgeoning field of conservation biology emphasizes interaction with the people directly impacted by conservation measures. Conservation biologists encourage such people to develop sustainable economic alternatives to destructive harvesting and land use. One alternative is harvesting and selling renewable rain forest products, such as vegetable ivory seeds from palms, known as tagua nuts, and brazil nuts. Where protection measures permit, rain forest communities may undertake sustainable rain forest logging operations, in which carefully selected trees are extracted in a way that has minimal impact on the forest ecosystem. Still other communities are exploring medicinal plants for drug development as ways to strengthen and diversify their economies.
Conservation biologists also work with established industries to develop practices that ensure the health and the sustainability of the resources on which they depend. For example, conservation biologists work with fishers to determine how many fish the fishers can harvest without damaging the population and the ecosystem as a whole. The same principles are applied to the harvesting of trees, plants, animals, and other natural resources.
Preserving biodiversity also takes place at the molecular level in the conservation of genetic diversity. All around the world efforts are being made to collect and preserve endangered organisms’ DNA, the molecule that contains their genes. These collections, or gene banks, may consist of frozen samples of blood or tissue, or in some cases, they may consist of live organisms. Biologists use gene banks to broaden the gene pool of a species, increasing the likelihood that it will adapt to meet the environmental challenges that confront it. Many zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens work together to carefully maintain the genetic diversity in captive populations of endangered animals and plants, such as the giant panda, the orangutan, or the rosy periwinkle. Captive animals are bred with wild populations, or occasionally released in hopes that they will breed freely with members of the wild population, thus increasing its genetic diversity. These gene banks are also an essential resource to replenish the genetic diversity of crops, enabling plant breeders and bioengineers to strengthen their stocks against disease and changing climate conditions.

Contributed By:
Niles Eldredge

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Shamoeel, lives in Lahore, is a truthseeker and has a passion for getting and providing education in a manner that takes the students out of the tangled method and teaches them in simple, clear and relevant style.



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