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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Microorganisms and Biotechnology

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Anatomy of a Simple BacteriumBacteria cells typically are surrounded by a rigid, protective cell wall. The cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane, regulates passage of materials into and out of the cytoplasm, the semi-fluid that fills the cell. The DNA, located in the nucleoid region, contains the genetic information for the cell. Ribosomes carry out protein synthesis. Many baceteria contain a pilus (plural pili), a structure that extends out of the cell to transfer DNA to another bacterium. The flagellum, found in numerous species, is used for locomotion. Some bacteria contain a plasmid, a small chromososme with extra genes.

Bacteria, one-celled organisms visible only through a microscope. Bacteria live all around us and within us. The air is filled with bacteria, and they have even entered outer space in spacecraft. Bacteria live in the deepest parts of the ocean and deep within Earth. They are in the soil, in our food, and on plants and animals. Even our bodies are home to many different kinds of bacteria. Our lives are closely intertwined with theirs, and the health of our planet depends very much on their activities.
Bacterial cells are so small that scientists measure them in units called micrometers (µm). One micrometer equals a millionth of a meter (0.0000001 m or about 0.000039 in), and an average bacterium is about one micrometer long. Hundreds of thousands of bacteria would fit on a rounded dot made by a pencil.
Bacteria lack a true nucleus, a feature that distinguishes them from plant and animal cells. In plants and animals the saclike nucleus carries genetic material in the form of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Bacteria also have DNA but it floats within the cell, usually in a loop or coil. A tough but resilient protective shell surrounds the bacterial cell.
Biologists classify all life forms as either prokaryotes or eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are simple, single-celled organisms like bacteria. They lack a defined nucleus of the sort found in plant and animal cells. More complex organisms, including all plants and animals, whose cells have a nucleus, belong to the group called eukaryotes. The word prokaryote comes from Greek words meaning “before nucleus”; eukaryote comes from Greek words for “true nucleus.” The study of bacteria is called bacteriology, a branch of microbiology.
Bacteria inhabited Earth long before human beings or other living things appeared. The earliest bacteria that scientists have discovered, in fossil remains in rocks, probably lived about 3.5 billion years ago. These early bacteria inhabited a harsh world: It was extremely hot, with high levels of ultraviolet radiation from the sun and with no oxygen to breathe.
Descendents of the bacteria that inhabited a primitive Earth are still with us today. Most have changed and would no longer be able to survive the harshness of Earth’s early environment. Yet others have not changed so much. Some bacteria today are able to grow at temperatures higher than the boiling point of water, 100oC (212oF). These bacteria live deep in the ocean or within Earth. Other bacteria cannot stand contact with oxygen gas and can live only in oxygen-free environments—in our intestines, for example, or in the ooze at the bottom of swamps, bogs, or other wetlands. Still others are resistant to radiation. Bacteria have remarkable abilities to adapt to extreme environments and thrive in parts of Earth that are inhospitable to other forms of life. Anywhere there is life, it includes bacterial life.
Much of our experience with bacteria involves disease. Although some bacteria do cause disease, many kinds of bacteria live on or in the human body and prevent disease. Bacteria associated with the human body outnumber body cells by ten to one. In addition, bacteria play important roles in the environment and in industry.
A Bacteria and Human Health
We have all had bacterial diseases. Bacteria cause many cases of gastroenteritis, sometimes called stomach flu. Perhaps the most common bacterial disease is tooth decay. Dental plaque, the sticky film on our teeth, consists primarily of masses of bacteria. These bacteria ferment (break down) the sugar we eat to produce acids, which over time can dissolve the enamel of the teeth and create cavities (holes) in the teeth.
Tooth decay provides a good example of how multiple factors contribute to bacterial disease. The human body hosts the bacteria, the diet supplies the sugars, and the bacteria produce the acid that damages the teeth.
A1 Bacteria That Inhabit the Body
Communities of bacteria form what are called biofilms on many body surfaces. Dental plaque is a biofilm covering the teeth. Biofilms also cover the soft tissues of our mouths and the inner surfaces of our nose, sinuses, throat, stomach, and intestines. Even the skin has bacterial communities that extend into hair follicles. Bacterial communities differ in each region of the body, reflecting the environmental conditions in their specific region. Bacteria that inhabit the surface of the stomach, for example, must deal with extremely strong acid in the digestive juices.
Some regions in the interior of the body are sterile—that is, devoid of living organisms other than the cells of the body. Sterile regions include the muscles, the blood, and the nervous system. However, even these regions face constant invasion by bacteria. The body’s immune system is designed to rid the body of these invaders.
A healthy, balanced community of bacteria is extremely important for our health. Some of these organisms protect us from disease-causing organisms that would otherwise infect us. Animals raised in a completely germ-free environment, without any contact with bacteria, are highly susceptible to infectious diseases if they are exposed to the outside world. Bacteria in our bodies also provide us with needed nutrients, such as vitamin K, which the body itself cannot make. The communities of bacteria and other organisms that inhabit the body are sometimes called the normal microflora or microbiota.
A2 Disease-Causing Bacteria
In most cases the bacteria that cause disease are not part of the bacteria that normally inhabit the body. They are picked up instead from sick people, sick animals, contaminated food or water, or other external sources. Bacterial disease also can occur after surgery, an accident, or some other event that weakens the immune system.
A2a Opportunistic Infections
When the immune system is not functioning properly, bacteria that usually are harmless can overwhelm the body and cause disease. These organisms are called opportunistic because they cause disease only when an opportunity is presented. For example, cuts or injuries to the skin and protective layers of the body enable normally friendly bacteria to enter the bloodstream or other sterile parts of the body and cause infection. Surgery may enable bacteria from one part of the body to reach another, where they cause infection. A weakened immune system may be unable to prevent the rapid multiplication of bacteria and other microorganisms.
Opportunistic infections became more important in the late 20th century because of diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a viral disease that ravages the immune system. Also contributing to an increase in opportunistic infections is the wider use of cancer-fighting drugs and other drugs that damage the immune system.
A2b Bacterial Killers
Some dramatic infectious diseases result from exposure to bacteria that are not part of our normal bacterial community. Cholera, one of the world’s deadliest diseases today, is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Cholera is spread in water and food contaminated with the bacteria, and by people who have the disease. After entering the body, the cholera bacteria grow in the intestines, often along the surface of the intestinal wall, where they secrete a toxin (poison). This toxin causes massive loss of fluid from the gut, and an infected person can die of dehydration (fluid loss) unless the lost fluids, and the salts they contain, are replaced. Cholera is common in developing regions of the world that lack adequate medical care.
Another major bacterial killer is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which causes tuberculosis (TB), a disease of the lungs. Tuberculosis is responsible for more than 2 million deaths per year worldwide. Although antibiotics such as penicillin fight many bacterial diseases, the TB bacterium is highly resistant to most antibiotics. In addition, the TB-causing bacteria readily spread from person to person.
A2c New Bacterial Diseases
While tuberculosis and cholera have been with us for centuries, in recent decades new bacterial diseases have emerged. Legionnaires’ disease, a severe form of pneumonia, was first recognized at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1976. It is caused by a previously unknown bacterium, Legionella pneumophila, which is most often transmitted through infected water.
Lyme disease, a form of arthritis caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, was first recognized in Lyme, Connecticut, in 1975. A bite from a deer tick that carries the bacteria transmits the disease to human beings.
A food-borne disease that has raised concern in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe is caused by a particular variant of the common intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli, or E. coli for short. Although E. coli is normally present in the human intestines, the variant E. coli O157:H7 produces toxins that cause bloody diarrhea and, in some cases, far more severe problems, including kidney failure and death. A person can become infected by eating contaminated meat. Thorough cooking kills the bacteria.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a highly opportunistic, drug-resistant bacteria that originated in hospital settings and then spread widely. First recognized in the United States in the late 1960s, MRSA attained a broader public profile in 2007 with the publication of studies attributing to it more than 19,000 deaths and 94,000 serious infections annually.

A3 How the Body Fights Bacterial Disease

Macrophage Engulfing Bacterium
A macrophage, in yellow, engulfs and consumes a bacterium. Macrophages are immune cells that wander through the body consuming foreign particles such as dust, asbestos particles, and bacteria. They help protect the body against infection

Our immune system is designed to protect us against harmful bacteria. It works to keep our normal microflora in check and also to eliminate invaders from outside the body. Some immune-system defenses are built in: The skin acts as a barrier to bacterial invaders, and antimicrobial substances in body secretions such as saliva and mucus can kill or stop the growth of some disease-causing bacteria. We acquire another immune-system defense through exposure to disease-causing bacteria.
After recovering from many bacterial infections, people have the ability to resist a second attack by the same bacteria. They can do so because their immune system forms disease-fighting proteins called antibodies designed to recognize specific bacteria. When next exposed to those bacteria, the antibodies bind to the surface of the bacteria and either kill them, prevent them from multiplying, or neutralize their toxin. Vaccines also can stimulate the immune system to form disease-fighting antibodies. Some vaccines contain strains of the bacterium that lack the ability to cause infection; others contain only parts of bacterial cells.

A4 Treatment and Prevention of Bacterial Disease

Discovery of Penicillin British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. Penicillin, an important antibiotic derived from mold, is effective against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria. It acts by killing bacteria directly or inhibiting their growth.

A4a Antibiotics
In many cases the immune system can wipe out a bacterial infection on its own. But sometimes people become so sick from a bacterial disease that they require medical treatment. Antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs are the major weapons against disease-causing bacteria. Antibiotics act in a number of ways to kill bacteria or suppress their activity. Over time, however, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics. As a result bacterial diseases have become more and more difficult to cure.
In an effort to control antibiotic resistance, physicians have tried to limit the use of antibiotics. In addition, they have advocated more vigorous efforts to improve the antibiotics we now have and to find new agents active against bacteria.
A4b Vaccines
Immunization through vaccines is important in the prevention of infectious diseases caused by bacteria. Vaccines expose a human being or other animal to a disease-causing bacterium or its toxins without causing the disease. As a result of this exposure, the body forms antibodies to the specific bacterium. These antibodies remain ready to attack if they meet the bacteria in the future. Some immunizations last a lifetime, whereas others must be renewed with a booster shot.
Tetanus provides a good example of a successful vaccine. The bacterium Clostridium tetani, found in soil and ordinary dirt, produces one of the most lethal toxins known. The toxin affects nerves, resulting in muscle rigidity and death. Tetanus infection has become very rare in developed countries such as the United States where nearly everyone is immunized against the toxin. The vaccine immunizes the body by means of toxins that have been chemically treated so they are no longer toxic. Health officials recommend getting a tetanus shot every ten years. In less developed countries where vaccination is not so common, tetanus is a major cause of death, especially of babies.
A4c Public Health Measures
Public health measures provide major controls against infectious disease. Especially important are those measures leading to ready availability of clean water, safe food, and up-to-date medical care. Waterborne diseases, such as cholera and typhoid fever, kill an estimated 5 million to 10 million people worldwide each year, according to the United Nations. Sufficient sources of clean drinking water in developing countries could help prevent these deaths. Food-safety guidelines can help prevent the spread of disease through contaminated food. Proper medical care can prevent transmission of infectious diseases to others. Tuberculosis, for example, kills more people worldwide every year than any other single disease. But if identified early, cases of tuberculosis can be treated effectively with antibiotics and other means, thereby stopping transmission to others.
Maintaining a clean environment for medical care is also important in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. For example, medical instruments, such as needles and syringes, must be sterile and proper infection-control procedures must be followed in hospitals, medical and dental offices, and industries that use bacteria. However, it is never possible, or even desirable, to have an environment entirely free of bacteria.
B Bacteria and the Environment
Bacteria play a major role in recycling many chemical elements and chemical compounds in nature. Without such bacterial activities as the recycling of carbon dioxide (CO2) life on Earth would be impossible. Plants use CO2 to grow and in the process they produce the oxygen humans and other animals breathe. Moreover, we would drown in garbage and wastes if bacteria did not speed the decomposition of dead plant and animal matter.

B1 Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria

Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, present in small nodules on the roots of beans and other legumes, help to return nitrogen to the soil, where the plant can then utilize it directly. In exchange, the bacteria in the root nodules use organic compounds supplied by the plant as an energy source.

Bacteria play a key role in making soil fertile. They convert nitrogen in Earth’s atmosphere into the nitrogen compound ammonia, which plants need to grow. Bacteria are the only organisms able to carry out this biochemical process known as nitrogen fixation. The bacteria able to fix atmospheric nitrogen usually live in association with plants, often integrated into the plant tissue. Bacteria in the genus Rhizobium, for example, form nodules (knobs) on the roots of beans and other plants in the legume family.

B2 The Carbon Cycle

Carbon Cycle

Carbon, used by all living organisms, continuously circulates in the earth’s ecosystem. In the atmosphere, it exists as colorless, odorless carbon dioxide gas, which is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis. Animals acquire the carbon stored in plant tissue when they eat and exhale carbon dioxide as a by-product of metabolism. The carbon cycle continues after plants and animals die, when bacteria contribute to the decay process and release carbon dioxide. Although some carbon is removed from circulation temporarily as coal, petroleum, fossil fuels, gas, and limestone deposits, respiration and photosynthesis balance to keep the amount of atmospheric carbon relatively stable. Industrialization, however, has contributed additional carbon dioxide to the environment.

Bacteria and fungi (yeasts and molds) are vital to another process that makes life on Earth possible: the carbon cycle. They help produce the gas carbon dioxide (CO2), which plants take from the atmosphere. During a part of the carbon cycle called photosynthesis, plants turn sunlight and CO2 into food and energy, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere.
The carbon cycle continues after plants and animals die, when bacteria help convert the material of which those organisms are made back into CO2. Bacteria and fungi secrete enzymes that partially break down dead matter. Final digestion of this matter takes place within bacterial and fungal cells by the processes of fermentation and respiration. The CO2 released by this action escapes back into the atmosphere to renew the cycle.
B3 Chemosynthesis
Bacteria are major players in cycles of other elements in the environment. Chemosynthetic bacteria use chemical energy, instead of the light energy used by plants, to change CO2 into something that other organisms can eat. Chemosynthesis occurs in vents at the bottom of the ocean, where light is unavailable for photosynthesis but hydrogen sulfide gas, H2S, bubbles up from below Earth’s crust. Life can develop around these vents because bacteria use the H2S in changing CO2 into organic nutrients. The H2S coming up from Earth’s mantle is extremely hot, but bacteria in these vent communities are adapted to the high temperatures. Bacteria’s ability to react chemically with sulfur compounds is useful in certain industrial processes as well.
B4 Bioremediation
Bioremediation refers to the use of microorganisms, especially bacteria, to return the elements in toxic chemicals to their natural cycles in nature. It may provide an inexpensive and effective method of environmental cleanup, which is one of the major challenges facing human society today.
Bioremediation has helped in cleaning up oil spills, pesticides, and other toxic materials. For example, accidents involving huge oil tankers regularly result in large spills that pollute coastlines and harm wildlife. Bacteria and other microorganisms can convert the toxic materials in crude oil to harmless products such as CO2. Adding fertilizers that contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen to the polluted areas promotes the multiplication of bacteria already present in the environment and speeds the cleanup process.
C Bacteria in Agriculture and Industry
Many of bacteria’s beneficial roles in agriculture have been described in the previous section on Bacteria and the Environment. By recycling certain chemical elements and compounds, bacteria make plant and animal life possible. Bacteria’s chemical interactions have also found uses in industry. In recent decades, scientists have engineered bacterial genes to produce sought-after substances, such as human insulin, to use in the treatment of disease.
C1 Bacteria in Agriculture
Through the process of nitrogen fixation, bacteria turn nitrogen in the air into nutrients that crops and other plants need to grow. Some of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria attach to the roots of plants. Through the carbon cycle, bacteria produce the carbon dioxide that plants require for photosynthesis. Bacteria that live in the stomachs of cud-chewing animals, such as cows and sheep, help the animals digest grasses.
Bacteria also can be harmful in agriculture because of the major diseases of farm animals they cause. Many of the bacteria that cause infectious diseases in farm animals resemble those that cause similar human diseases. For example, a variant of the bacterium that causes human tuberculosis causes tuberculosis in cattle, and it can infect humans through cow’s milk. To prevent transmission of the disease, milk for human consumption should be pasteurized (heated at a temperature between 60° and 70°C (140° and 158°F) for a short time. Pasteurization kills most bacteria in milk.
Other disease-causing bacteria primarily affect animals other than humans. For example, the bacterium Brachyspira hyodysenteria causes a type of diarrhea in pigs that can be disastrous for pig farmers. Many infectious diseases of farm animals also affect wild animals, such as deer. Wild animals, in turn, can infect domestic animals, including cats and dogs.

Bacteria in the Food Industry

Bacteria are of major importance in the food industry. On the one hand, they cause food spoilage and food-borne diseases, and so must be controlled. On the other hand, they improve food flavor and nutrition.
The dairy industry provides prime examples of bacteria’s harmful and helpful roles. Before the introduction of pasteurization in the late 1800s, dairy products were major carriers for bacteria that caused such illnesses as tuberculosis and rheumatic heart disease. Since that time regulation of the dairy industry has greatly reduced the risks of infection from dairy products.
On the helpful side, bacteria contribute to the fermentation (chemical breakdown) of many dairy products people eat every day. Yogurt, considered a healthful food, is produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria produce lactic acid, which turns the milk sour, hampers the growth of disease-causing bacteria, and gives a desirable flavor to the resulting yogurt.


Cheese also is produced by fermentation. First, bacteria ferment milk sugar to lactic acid. Then, cheese makers can introduce various microorganisms to produce the flavors they desire. The process is complicated and may take months or even years to complete, but it gives cheeses their characteristic flavors.

The variety of fermented foods we eat ranges from pickles, olives, and sauerkraut to sausages and other cured meats and fish, chocolate, soy sauce, and other products. In most of these fermentations, bacteria that produce lactic acid play major roles. Alcohol-producing yeasts are the primary fermentors in the manufacture of beer and wine, but lactic-acid bacteria also are involved, especially in making wine or cider. Bacteria that produce acetic acid can convert wine, cider, or other alcoholic beverages to vinegar.
C3 Bacteria in Waste Treatment
Bacteria are very important in sewage treatment. Standard sewage treatment involves multiple processes. It usually starts with settling during which large items sink to the bottom. Next, air is bubbled through the sewage. This so-called aerobic phase encourages oxygen-using bacteria to break down organic material in the sewage, such as human wastes, to acids and CO2. Most disease-causing organisms are also killed in this phase. The sewage sludge left behind is attacked in a subsequent phase by anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that cannot tolerate oxygen). These bacteria break down the sludge to produce methane gas, which can then be used as a fuel to power the treatment facility. In treatment plants today, this anaerobic phase sometimes precedes the aerobic phase.
Bacteria are also effective in cleaning up harmful wastes through bioremediation. In this process bacteria and other microorganisms convert toxic or otherwise objectionable wastes, such as pesticides and oil spills, to harmless or even useful products.
C4 Bacteria in Mineral Extraction
An interesting industrial process carried out by bacteria is the recovery of valuable minerals such as copper from ores. The most important copper ores are copper sulfides, which may contain only a small percentage of copper. Bacteria of the genera Thiobacillus and Sulfolobus are able to oxidize sulfides—that is, cause a chemical reaction of sulfides with oxygen—yielding sulfuric acid. This action produces the acid conditions necessary to leach (remove) the copper from the ores. The use of bacteria in extracting minerals, though slow, is environmentally friendly compared with the standard process of smelting. Smelting requires energy to heat the ore to extremely high temperatures for extracting minerals, and it also releases gases that pollute the air.
Some chemical reactions in which bacteria participate are harmful rather than helpful to industry. Bacteria are major agents of metal corrosion (wearing away) through the formation of rust, especially on metals containing iron. During the early stages of rust formation, hydrogen is produced, and it acts to slow the rusting process. However, certain bacteria use the hydrogen as a nutrient with the result that they greatly speed up rust formation.
C5 Bacteria in Biotechnology
Bacteria have been at the center of recent advances in biotechnology—the creation of products for human benefit through the manipulation of biological organisms. Biotechnology itself dates back at least as far as ancient Egyptian civilization. Paintings on the walls of Egyptian tombs depict the brewing of beer, which uses microorganisms in the fermentation process. However, the existence of bacteria did not become known until the development of sufficiently powerful microscopes in the late 1600s. During the centuries that followed, scientists became aware that living organisms were responsible for many biotechnological processes.
Biotechnology grew steadily during the 20th century. In the 1970s scientists used information about replication of viruses and bacteria and about DNA synthesis (manufacture) to begin the genetic engineering of bacterial cells. When scientists combined human DNA with the DNA in bacterial cells, recombinant DNA technology was born. Human DNA is the “recombinant.” DNA contains the instructions for creating proteins. With their recombinant DNA, bacteria became factories for turning out human proteins, such as the hormone insulin or antibodies that fight disease. Because they multiply so rapidly, bacteria produce multiple copies of proteins in a short time. The process of taking genetic information from one organism and placing it in a different organism was patented by American biochemists Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer in 1980. The genetic revolution was underway.
C6 Other Industrial Roles
Bacteria play a role in the production of other products, including certain plastics and enzymes used in laundry detergents. They also produce many antibiotics, such as streptomycin and tetracycline. Since the 1980s, bacteria have gained importance in the production of many bulk chemicals, including ethanol, a form of alcohol made from fermented corn. Ethanol is an ingredient of gasohol, a fuel that burns more cleanly than gasoline and uses less petroleum. Chemical production using bacteria and other microorganisms results in less pollution to the environment than standard chemical production. The growth of genetic engineering has opened the way to even greater use of bacteria in large-scale industrial manufacturing and environmentally friendly processes.
Bacteria are so small that they can be seen only under a microscope that magnifies them at least 500 times their actual size. Some become visible only at magnifications of 1,000 times. They are measured in micrometers (µm) and average about 1 to 2 µm in length. One micrometer equals one-millionth of a meter (0.0000001 m or about 0.000039 in).
Bacteria not only have many uses, they also occur in diverse shapes and types. As a group they carry out a broad range of activities and have different nutritional needs. They thrive in a variety of environments.
A Types of Bacteria
Scientists use various systems for classifying bacteria into different types. One of the simplest systems is by shape. Other systems depend on oxygen use, source of carbon, and response to a particular dye.
A1 Classification by shape
Most bacteria come in one of three shapes: rod, sphere, or spiral. Rod-shaped bacteria are called bacilli. Spherical bacteria are called cocci, and spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria are called spirilla. Some bacteria come in more complex shapes. A hairlike form of spiral bacteria is called spirochete (see Spirochetes). Streptococci and staphylococci are well-known disease-causing bacteria among the cocci.
A2 Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
Scientists also classify bacteria according to whether they need oxygen to survive or not. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria cannot tolerate oxygen. Bacteria that live in deep ocean vents or within Earth are anaerobic. So are many of the bacteria that cause food poisoning.
A3 Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Bacteria
All bacteria require carbon for growth and reproduction. Bacteria called autotrophs (“self-feeders”) get their carbon from CO2. Most bacteria, however, are heterotrophs (“other feeders”) and derive carbon from organic nutrients such as sugar. Some heterotrophic bacteria survive as parasites, growing within another living cell and using the nutrients and cell machinery of their host cells. Some autotrophic bacteria, such as cyanobacteria, use sunlight to produce sugars from CO2. Others depend instead on energy from the breakdown of inorganic chemical compounds, such as nitrates and forms of sulfur.
A4 Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria
Another system of classifying bacteria makes use of differences in the composition of cell walls. The difference becomes clear by means of a technique called Gram’s stain, which identifies bacteria as either gram-positive or gram-negative. After staining, gram-positive bacteria hold the dye and appear purple, while gram-negative bacteria release the dye and appear red. Gram-positive bacteria have thicker cell walls than gram-negative bacteria. Knowing whether a disease-causing bacterium is gram-positive or gram-negative helps a physician to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic. The stain is named for H. C. J. Gram, a Danish physician who invented it in 1884.
A5 The Cell and Its Structure
The cell wall generally determines the shape of the bacterial cell. The wall is a tough but resilient shell that keeps bacterial cells from drying out and helps them resist environmental stress. In some cases the cell wall protects the bacterium from attack by the body’s disease-fighting immune system cells. Some bacteria do not have much of a cell wall, while others have quite thick structures. Many species of bacteria move about by means of flagella, hairlike structures that project through the cell wall. The flagellum’s rotating motion propels the bacterial cell toward nutrients and away from harmful substances.
Like all cells bacteria contain the genetic material DNA. But bacterial DNA is not contained within a nucleus, as is DNA in plant and animal cells. Most bacteria have a single coil of DNA, although some bacteria have multiple pieces. Bacterial cells often have extra pieces of DNA called plasmids, which the cell may gain or lose without dying. Surrounding the DNA in a bacterial cell is cytoplasm, a watery fluid that is rich in proteins and other chemicals. A cell membrane inside the wall holds together the DNA and the constituents of the cytoplasm. Most activities of the bacterial cell are carried out within the cytoplasm, including nutrition, reproduction, and the manufacture of proteins.
B How Bacteria Function
Bacterial cells, like all cells, require nutrients to carry out their work. These nutrients must be water soluble to enter through pores in the cell wall and pass through the cell membrane into the cytoplasm. Many bacteria, however, can digest solid food by secreting chemicals called exoenzymes into the surrounding environment. The exoenzymes help break down the solid food outside the bacteria into water-soluble pieces that the cell wall can absorb. Bacterial cells use nutrients for a variety of life-sustaining biochemical activities known collectively as metabolism.
B1 Anabolism and Catabolism
The metabolic activities that enable the cell to function occur in two ways: anabolism and catabolism. Simply put, anabolism is the manufacture of complex molecules from simple ones, and catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules into simple ones. Cells use the energy from catabolism for all their other tasks, including growth, repair, and reproduction.
A single bacterial cell takes up small molecules from the environment by means of specific transport proteins in the cell membrane. In the case of more complex molecules, such as proteins or complex carbohydrates, bacteria first secrete digestive enzymes into the environment to break the nutrients down into smaller molecules, which are transported across the membrane. Enzymes (proteins that speed chemical reactions) within the cytoplasm then digest the molecules further. This breakdown, called catabolism, results in energy transfer through the processes of respiration and fermentation. During metabolism, some of the small molecules are converted into the molecules the cell needs to synthesize (manufacture) its own proteins, nucleic acids (building blocks of DNA), lipids (fatty substances), and polysaccharides (sugars and starches). The metabolic processes for synthesis of these complex cells are anabolism.
B2 Adaptation to Environmental Stress
All organisms have some capacity to adapt to environmental stress, but the extent of this adaptive capacity varies widely. Heat, cold, high pressure, and acid or alkaline conditions can all produce stress. Bacteria easily adapt to environmental stress, usually through changes in the enzymes and other proteins they produce. These adaptations enable bacteria to grow in a variety of conditions. Gradual exposure to the stress, for example, may enable bacteria to synthesize new enzymes that allow them to continue functioning under the stressing conditions or that enhance their capacity to deal with the stressing agent. Or they may resist environmental stress in other ways. Some bacteria that live in extremely acidic conditions can pump out acid from their cell.
Extremophiles are organisms that can grow in conditions considered harsh by humans. Some kinds of bacteria thrive in hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor or in oil reservoirs within Earth, at high pressures and temperatures as high as 120oC (250oF). Other kinds can live at temperatures as low as –12oC (10oF) in Antarctic brine pools. Other bacteria have adapted to grow in extremely acid conditions, where mines drain or minerals are leached from ores and sulfuric acid is produced. Others grow at extremely alkaline or extremely salty conditions. Still others can grow in the total absence of oxygen. Bacteria able to function in these extreme conditions generally cannot function under conditions we consider normal.
B3 Reproduction and Survival
Bacteria reproduce very rapidly. Replication in some kinds of bacteria takes only about 15 minutes under optimal conditions. One bacterial cell can become two in 15 minutes, four in 30 minutes, eight in 45 minutes, and so on. Bacteria would quickly cover the entire face of the globe if their supply of nutrients was unlimited. Fortunately for us, competition for nutrients limits their spread. In the absence of sufficient nutrients, however, many bacteria form dormant spores that survive until nutrients become available again. Spore formation also enables these bacteria to survive other harsh conditions.
B3a Binary Fission
The simplest sort of bacterial reproduction is by binary fission (splitting in two). The bacterial cell first grows to about twice its initial size. Toward the end of that growth, the cell membrane forms a new membrane that extends inward toward the center of the cell. The cell wall follows closely behind, bisecting the cell. The membrane then seals to divide the enlarged cell into two small cells of equal or nearly equal size, and a new wall forms between the membranes.
The growth and division of a bacterial cell has two main phases. In one phase, the cell replicates its DNA and makes all the other molecules needed for the new cell. The second phase—cell division—occurs when DNA replication stops. In the bacterium Escherichia coli replication takes about 40 minutes and cell division lasts about 20 minutes. The entire cycle takes about an hour. Yet the time for one cell to become two cells still takes only about 20 minutes. How is this possible? The cell does not wait for one cycle of replication to end before it starts another. Thus, a rapidly growing bacterial cell is carrying out multiple rounds of replication at the same time.
B3b Spore Formation
In response to limited nutrients or other harsh conditions, many bacteria survive by forming spores that resist the environmental stress. Spores preserve the bacterial DNA and remain alive but inactive. When conditions improve, the spore germinates (starts growing) and the bacterium becomes active again.
The best-studied spores form within the bodies of Bacillus and Clostridium bacteria, and are known as endospores. Clostridium botulinum spores cause deadly botulism poisoning. Endospores have thick coverings and can resist environmental stress, especially heat. Even boiling in water does not readily kill them. But they can be killed by heating in a steel vessel filled with steam at high temperature and high pressure. Endospores can live for centuries in their dormant state.
Some bacteria form other types of spores. These spores are usually dormant but not as heat resistant or long-lived as endospores. Some aquatic bacteria, for example, attach to surfaces and produce swarmer cells during division. The swarmer cell swims away to attach to another surface and give rise to still more swarmer cells. Still other bacteria survive by forming colonies made up of millions of cells that act in a coordinated way to keep the organism alive.
B3c Genetic Exchange
Bacterial cells often can survive by exchanging DNA with other organisms and acquiring new capacities, such as resistance to an antibiotic intended to kill them. The simplest method of DNA exchange is genetic transformation, a process by which bacterial cells take up foreign DNA from the environment and incorporate it into their own DNA. The DNA in the environment may come from dead cells. The more the DNA resembles the cell’s own DNA, the more readily it is incorporated.
Another means of genetic exchange is through incorporation of the DNA into a virus. When the virus infects a bacterial cell, it picks up part of the bacterial DNA. If the virus infects another cell, it carries with it DNA from the first organism. This method of DNA exchange is called transduction.
Transformation and transduction generally transfer only small amounts of DNA, although bacterial geneticists have worked to increase these amounts. Many bacteria are also capable of transferring large amounts of DNA, even the entire genome (set of genes), through physical contact. The donor cell generally makes a copy of the DNA during the transfer process so it is not killed. This method of exchange is called conjugation. DNA exchange enables bacteria that have developed antibiotic-resistant genes to rapidly spread their resistance to other bacteria.
Scientists long had difficulty classifying bacteria in relation to each other and in relation to other living things. Because bacteria are so small, scientists found it nearly impossible to identify characteristic structures on or in the organisms that would help in classification. For many years bacteria were considered to be plants and named according to the botanical system of classification, by genus and species. For example, Escherichia coli belongs to the genus Escherichia and to the species coli within that genus. The genus name starts with a capital letter; the species name, with a small letter. Both are written in italic letters. For convenience, people often use only the letter of the genus name, as in E. coli, for example.
A A New Classification System
The development of the field of molecular phylogeny in the 1970s changed our view of bacteria. Phylogeny relates organisms through their evolutionary origins. In molecular phylogeny, scientists look for similarities in the molecules of organisms to figure out relationships. Initially, scientists looked at proteins, which are made up of long strings of amino acids. They figured that if a particular protein in two organisms contained exactly the same amino acids in the same order, then the two were very closely related or even identical. If there were only a few differences, the organisms were closely related. The more differences there were, the more distant the relationship would be.
Carl Woese, a microbiologist at the University of Illinois, discovered that it was easier to work with nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA. He found that the best molecules were ribonucleic acid molecules from ribosomes (rRNA). Ribosomes are the biochemical machines inside cells that coordinate the synthesis of proteins. It was relatively easy to obtain rRNA, to identify its chemical building blocks known as nucleotides, and to determine the order of the nucleotides in the molecule. Because rRNA shows relatively little variation from one generation to the next, it proved to be an excellent tool for determining evolutionary relationships.
Molecular phylogeny indicated that there are three major groups, or kingdoms, of organisms. One kingdom, called Eukaryotae, consists of all organisms with a true nucleus and includes all plants and animals. The two other kingdoms, called Archaea and Eubacteria, consist of prokaryotic bacteria without a true nucleus. Archaea, or archaeabacteria, were once classified with other bacteria and the two kingdoms share many characteristics. Many of the archaea are extremophiles and can live in extremely hot, salty, or acid environments, but so can many eubacteria.
The classification of bacteria into two kingdoms, a system proposed by Woese, is based almost entirely on the structure of ribosomal RNA. But it appears to agree with other findings regarding the basic structures of the organisms, their metabolism, and their evolution.
B Sequencing Bacterial DNA
Amazing advances in technology have enabled scientists to sequence the entire genome of many bacteria—that is, identify the nucleotides that make up the DNA and the order in which the nucleotides are arranged. This knowledge, and the sciences that have developed around it, will enable scientists to harness the useful capabilities of bacteria in agriculture, industry, and other fields and to develop new drugs. In one example, scientists have turned bacteria into factories for producing the hormone insulin by inserting human insulin-producing genes into bacteria. The insulin produced can be used to treat human diabetes.
Insulin is a protein, and genes govern the production of proteins by a cell. The study of protein production will help scientists understand the process of disease at a cellular level and help them develop new means of combating diseases. As scientists study how bacteria attach to and enter healthy cells, cause illness, and spread, they are learning useful details about the molecular structure of cells.
The oldest fossils of bacteria-like organisms date back as many as 3.5 billion years, making them the oldest-known fossils. These early bacteria could survive in the inhospitable conditions when Earth was young, extremely hot, and without oxygen. With the help of molecular phylogeny, scientists have pieced together a view of the evolution of bacteria. They believe that the kingdoms Archaea and Eubacteria had a common ancestor but separated very early on, a few billion years ago. Archaea may be the most common organisms on Earth today. Many of them can live without oxygen and without sunlight and inhabit such places as deep-sea vents. However, scientists currently know much more about the kingdom Eubacteria than the kingdom Archaea, because humans have more contact with disease-causing Eubacteria, such as streptococci and Escherichia coli, and with Eubacteria such as lactobacilli used in food processing and other industries.
Over time, bacteria evolved to capture energy from the Sun’s light and thereby carry out the process of photosynthesis, converting sunlight into nutrients. Next they developed the sort of photosynthesis that plants today carry out by splitting water molecules to produce oxygen. With oxygen available, organisms that require it, such as animals, could inhabit Earth.
Recent discoveries suggest that Eukaryotae (plants and animals) probably evolved from Eubacteria. Many of the organelles (structures within the cytoplasm) of plant and animal cells are actually bacterial. Among organelles derived from bacteria that invaded plant or animal cells are mitochondria and chloroplasts. Mitochondria in plants and animals convert nutrients into energy-storage molecules. Chloroplasts house the photosynthetic machinery of plant cells. Not only do bacteria live on us and in us, but we ourselves are in a way partly bacterial.
Before the development of the microscope, some people speculated that small, invisible particles caused diseases and fermentations. But not until the late 1600s did anyone actually see bacteria. In the 1670s Dutch lens maker Antoni van Leeuwenhoek first saw what he called “wee animalcules” under his single-lens microscopes. Leeuwenhoek noticed cells of different shapes within a variety of specimens, including scrapings from his teeth and rainwater from gutters. His findings laid the foundation for the growth of microbiology.
The microscope was improved over the following centuries, but bacteria still appeared as tiny objects, even with magnifications of 1,000 times. In the 1930s, the first electron microscopes were developed. Using beams of electrons instead of light, these microscopes could magnify objects at least 200 times more than light microscopes could. With magnifications of 200,000 times actual size, it became possible to see structures within bacterial cells in detail.
Early studies of bacteria were difficult. In any environment many types of bacteria compete and cooperate, and all this activity makes it nearly impossible to figure out what each organism is doing. The first step was to separate different types of bacteria. One way of isolating bacteria was to grow them on a solid surface. Scientists first used kitchen foods, such as a potato slice cut with a sterile knife, on which to grow bacteria that attack plants. This method was not very convenient, however.
The perfect medium (environment) for growing bacteria also came from the kitchen, although its usefulness was demonstrated in the laboratory of German scientist Robert Koch. The medium was agar, a gel-forming substance that comes from seaweed. A coworker of Koch’s noted that his wife’s puddings remained solid in summer heat, whereas the gelatin on which he grew bacteria dissolved or got eaten by the bacteria. The firm puddings contained agar.
Agar dissolves in water only at temperatures close to boiling. When it cools, it forms a stable gel. Most bacteria cannot digest it. Bacteriologists could transfer a bacterial specimen onto a plate of agar using sterile wires or loops, and obtain a colony of organisms. If more than one type of bacteria formed a colony, the scientists could repeat the process, growing each type on a separate agar plate to obtain a pure culture (laboratory-grown specimen) for study. They could also add nutrients to agar to provide the bacteria with the food they need for growth. In addition, they could add substances to suppress the growth of unwanted bacteria but not the growth of those the bacteriologist wished to isolate. Growing bacteria on agar has become routine in laboratories.
Bacteriologists have become accustomed to studying individual types of bacteria in pure cultures. In nature, however, bacteria usually live in diverse communities, often with hundreds of types of organisms. These communities form sticky masses called biofilms on soil particles, ocean debris, plants and animals, and just about any solid or liquid surface. In our bodies, biofilms develop on teeth, on the soft tissues of the mouth and throat, on the membrane lining the nose and sinuses, in the gut, and on all other exposed body surfaces. In nature, organisms form microbial mats on surfaces between water and air. In sewage treatment, bacteria clump together in masses. All these communities are highly diverse, harboring many kinds of organisms. They can be compared to cities in which the different members have different functions, all important to maintaining the community.
Bacteriologists are realizing more and more the need to move from studying pure cultures containing only a single species to the study of communities in biofilms and microbial mats. The growth of molecular biology and the capacity to study bacteria in molecular detail have demonstrated that the bacterial world is far more diverse than previously thought. It seems possible that we currently have discovered only a small fraction of existing types of bacteria in the world. Perhaps as many as 95 percent of total types remain unknown.
Recent information on the true diversity of bacteria comes from a study published in 2006 that used a new DNA-identification technique to study microbes taken from the ocean. Scientists found more than 20,000 types of bacteria in a liter of sea water—over ten times the biodiversity predicted. Much of the diversity came from rare bacteria that had not been detected in previous studies of marine microbes. Samples were taken at eight sites in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean from a wide range of depths and environments, including the North Sea and hydrothermal vents. The work will be expanded in the future to sample marine microbes from more than 1,000 ocean sites with even more types of environments. The international research is being conducted as part of the global Census of Marine Life, a ten-year project that began in 2000. The newly recognized complexity of ocean bacteria could lead to a much greater gene pool for a range of scientific work.
Scientists have already sequenced the entire genome for many bacteria. Researchers can cut pieces from bacterial DNA and replicate it in many copies. Through DNA transfer, the pieces can be inserted in bacterial cells. The cells with the new DNA may then start to make new proteins they were unable to make previously. Thus, bacteria can be genetically engineered to make a whole range of products and to develop new functions. Genetic engineering has opened up a new world of biology and a tremendous opportunity to explore bacteria and other microorganisms and to benefit humanity from the resulting knowledge.

Contributed By:

Robert E. Marquis


Virus (life science)
Virus (life science), infectious agent found in virtually all life forms, including humans, animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Viruses consist of genetic material—either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA)—surrounded by a protective coating of protein, called a capsid, with or without an outer lipid envelope. Viruses are between 20 and 100 times smaller than bacteria and hence are too small to be seen by light microscopy. Viruses vary in size from the largest poxviruses of about 450 nanometers (about 0.000014 in) in length to the smallest polioviruses of about 30 nanometers (about 0.000001 in). Viruses are not considered free-living, since they cannot reproduce outside of a living cell; they have evolved to transmit their genetic information from one cell to another for the purpose of replication.
Viruses often damage or kill the cells that they infect, causing disease in infected organisms. A few viruses stimulate cells to grow uncontrollably and produce cancers. Although many infectious diseases, such as the common cold, are caused by viruses, there are no cures for these illnesses. The difficulty in developing antiviral therapies stems from the large number of variant viruses that can cause the same disease, as well as the inability of drugs to disable a virus without disabling healthy cells. However, the development of antiviral agents is a major focus of current research, and the study of viruses has led to many discoveries important to human health.
Individual viruses, or virus particles, also called virions, contain genetic material, or genomes, in one of several forms. Unlike cellular organisms, in which the genes always are made up of DNA, viral genes may consist of either DNA or RNA. Like cell DNA, almost all viral DNA is double-stranded, and it can have either a circular or a linear arrangement. Almost all viral RNA is single-stranded; it is usually linear, and it may be either segmented (with different genes on different RNA molecules) or nonsegmented (with all genes on a single piece of RNA).
The viral protective shell, or capsid, can be either helical (spiral-shaped) or icosahedral (having 20 triangular sides). Capsids are composed of repeating units of one or a few different proteins. These units are called protomers or capsomers. The proteins that make up the virus particle are called structural proteins. Viruses also carry genes for making proteins that are never incorporated into the virus particle and are found only in infected cells. These viral proteins are called nonstructural proteins; they include factors required for the replication of the viral genome and the production of the virus particle.
Capsids and the genetic material (DNA or RNA) they contain are together referred to as nucleocapsids. Some virus particles consist only of nucleocapsids, while others contain additional structures.
Some icosahedral and helical animal viruses are enclosed in a lipid envelope acquired when the virus buds through host-cell membranes. Inserted into this envelope are glycoproteins that the viral genome directs the cell to make; these molecules bind virus particles to susceptible host cells.
The most elaborate viruses are the bacteriophages, which use bacteria as their hosts. Some bacteriophages resemble an insect with an icosahedral head attached to a tubular sheath. From the base of the sheath extend several long tail fibers that help the virus attach to the bacterium and inject its DNA to be replicated and to direct capsid production and virus particle assembly inside the cell.
Viroids and prions are smaller than viruses, but they are similarly associated with disease. Viroids are plant pathogens that consist only of a circular, independently replicating RNA molecule. The single-stranded RNA circle collapses on itself to form a rodlike structure. The only known mammalian pathogen that resembles plant viroids is the deltavirus (hepatitis D), which requires hepatitis B virus proteins to package its RNA into virus particles. Co-infection with hepatitis B and D can produce more severe disease than can infection with hepatitis B alone. Prions are mutated forms of a normal protein found on the surface of certain animal cells. The mutated protein, known as a prion, has been implicated in some neurological diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. There is some evidence that prions resemble viruses in their ability to cause infection. Prions, however, lack the nucleic acid found in viruses.
Viruses are classified according to their type of genetic material, their strategy of replication, and their structure. The International Committee on Nomenclature of Viruses (ICNV), established in 1966, devised a scheme to group viruses into families, subfamilies, genera, and species. The ICNV report published in 1995 assigned more than 4000 viruses into 71 virus families. Hundreds of other viruses remain unclassified because of the lack of sufficient information.
The first contact between a virus particle and its host cell occurs when an outer viral structure docks with a specific molecule on the cell surface. For example, a glycoprotein called gp120 on the surface of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS) virion specifically binds to the CD4 molecule found on certain human T lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Most cells that do not have surface CD4 molecules generally cannot be infected by HIV.
After binding to an appropriate cell, a virus must cross the cell membrane. Some viruses accomplish this goal by fusing their lipid envelope to the cell membrane, thus releasing the nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm of the cell. Other viruses must first be endocytosed (enveloped by a small section of the cell’s plasma membrane that pokes into the cell and pinches off to form a bubblelike vesicle called an endosome) before they can cross the cell membrane. Conditions in the endosome allow many viruses to change the shape of one or more of their proteins. These changes permit the virus either to fuse with the endosomal membrane or to lyse the endosome (cause it to break apart), allowing the nucleocapsid to enter the cell cytoplasm.
Once inside the cell, the virus replicates itself through a series of events. Viral genes direct the production of proteins by the host cellular machinery. The first viral proteins synthesized by some viruses are the enzymes required to copy the viral genome. Using a combination of viral and cellular components, the viral genome can be replicated thousands of times. Late in the replication cycle for many viruses, proteins that make up the capsid are synthesized. These proteins package the viral genetic material to make newly formed nucleocapsids.
To complete the virus replication cycle, viruses must exit the cell. Some viruses bud out of the cell’s plasma membrane by a process resembling reverse endocytosis. Other viruses cause the cell to lyse, thereby releasing newly formed virus particles ready to infect other cells. Still other viruses pass directly from one cell into an adjacent cell without being exposed to the extracellular environment. The virus replication cycle can be as short as a couple of hours for certain small viruses or as long as several days for some large viruses.
Some viruses kill cells by inflicting severe damage resulting in cell lysis; other viruses cause the cell to kill itself in response to virus infection. This programmed cell suicide is thought to be a host defense mechanism to eliminate infected cells before the virus can complete its replication cycle and spread to other cells. Alternatively, cells may survive virus infection, and the virus can persist for the life of its host. Virtually all people harbor harmless viruses.
Retroviruses, such as HIV, have RNA that is transcribed into DNA by the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase upon entry into the cell. (The ability of retroviruses to copy RNA into DNA earned them their name because this process is the reverse of the usual transfer of genetic information, from DNA to RNA.) The DNA form of the retrovirus genome is then integrated into the cellular DNA and is referred to as the provirus. The viral genome is replicated every time the host cell replicates its DNA and is thus passed on to daughter cells.
Hepatitis B virus can also transcribe RNA to DNA, but this virus packages the DNA version of its genome into virus particles. Unlike retroviruses, hepatitis B virus does not integrate into the host cell DNA.
Most viral infections cause no symptoms and do not result in disease. For example, only a small percentage of individuals who become infected with Epstein-Barr virus or western equine encephalomyelitis virus ever develop disease symptoms. In contrast, most people who are infected with measles, rabies, or influenza viruses develop the disease. A wide variety of viral and host factors determine the outcome of virus infections. A small genetic variation can produce a virus with increased capacity to cause disease. Such a virus is said to have increased virulence.
Viruses can enter the body by several routes. Herpes simplex virus and poxviruses enter through the skin by direct contact with virus-containing skin lesions on infected individuals. Ebola, hepatitis B, and HIV can be contracted from infected blood products. Hypodermic needles and animal and insect bites can transmit a variety of viruses through the skin. Viruses that infect through the respiratory tract are usually transmitted by airborne droplets of mucus or saliva from infected individuals who cough or sneeze. Viruses that enter through the respiratory tract include orthomyxovirus (influenza), rhinovirus and adenovirus (common cold), and varicella-zoster virus (chicken pox). Viruses such as rotavirus, coronavirus, poliovirus, hepatitis A, and some adenoviruses enter the host through the gastrointestinal tract. Sexually transmitted viruses, such as herpes simplex, HIV, and human papillomaviruses (HPV), gain entry through the genitourinary route. Other viruses, including some adenoviruses, echoviruses, Coxsackie viruses, and herpesviruses, can infect through the eye.
Virus infections can be either localized or systemic. The path of virus spread through the body in systemic infections differs among different viruses. Following replication at the initial site of entry, many viruses are spread to their target organs by the bloodstream or the nervous system.
The particular cell type can influence the outcome of virus infection. For example, herpes simplex virus undergoes lytic replication in skin cells around the lips but can establish a latent or dormant state in neuron cell bodies (located in ganglia) for extended periods of time. During latency, the viral genome is largely dormant in the cell nucleus until a stimulus such as a sunburn causes the reactivation of latent herpesvirus, leading to the lytic replication cycle. Once reactivated, the virus travels from the ganglia back down the nerve to cause a cold sore on the lip near the original site of infection. The herpesvirus genome does not integrate into the host cell genome.
Virus-induced illnesses can be either acute, in which the patient recovers promptly, or chronic, in which the virus remains with the host or the damage caused by the virus is irreparable. For most acute viruses, the time between infection and the onset of disease can vary from three days to three weeks. In contrast, onset of AIDS following infection with HIV takes an average of 7 to 11 years.
Several human viruses are likely to be agents of cancer, which can take decades to develop. The precise role of these viruses in human cancers is not well understood, and genetic and environmental factors are likely to contribute to these diseases. But because a number of viruses have been shown to cause tumors in animal models, it is probable that many viruses have a key role in human cancers.
Some viruses—alphaviruses and flaviviruses, for example—must be able to infect more than one species to complete their life cycles. Eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus, an alphavirus, replicates in mosquitoes and is transmitted to wild birds when the mosquitoes feed. Thus, wild birds and perhaps mammals and reptiles serve as the virus reservoir, and mosquitoes serve as vectors essential to the virus life cycle by ensuring transmission of the virus from one host to another. Horses and people are accidental hosts when they are bitten by an infected mosquito, and they do not play an important role in virus transmission.
Although viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, which are effective only against bacteria, the body’s immune system has many natural defenses against virus infections. Infected cells produce interferons and other cytokines (soluble components that are largely responsible for regulating the immune response), which can signal adjacent uninfected cells to mount their defenses, enabling uninfected cells to impair virus replication. Some cytokines can cause a fever in response to viral infection; elevated body temperature retards the growth of some types of viruses. B lymphocytes produce specific antibodies that can bind and inactivate viruses. Cytotoxic T cells recognize virus-infected cells and target them for destruction. However, many viruses have evolved ways to circumvent some of these host defense mechanisms.
The development of antiviral therapies has been thwarted by the difficulty of generating drugs that can distinguish viral processes from cellular processes. Therefore, most treatments for viral diseases simply alleviate symptoms, such as fever, dehydration, and achiness. Nevertheless, antiviral drugs for influenza virus, herpesviruses, and HIV are available, and many others are in the experimental and developmental stages.
Prevention has been a more effective method of controlling virus infections. Viruses that are transmitted by insects or rodent excretions can be controlled with pesticides. Successful vaccines are currently available for poliovirus, influenza, rabies, adenovirus, rubella, yellow fever, measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Vaccines are prepared from killed (inactivated) virus, live (attenuated or weakened) virus, or isolated viral proteins (subunits). Each of these types of vaccines elicits an immune response while causing little or no disease, and there are advantages and disadvantages to each. (For a more complete discussion of vaccines, see the Immunization article.)
The principle of vaccination was discovered by British physician Edward Jenner. In 1796 Jenner observed that milkmaids in England who contracted the mild cowpox virus infection from their cows were protected from smallpox, a frequently fatal disease. In 1798 Jenner formally demonstrated that prior infection with cowpox virus protected those that he inoculated with smallpox virus (an experiment that would not meet today’s protocol standards because of its use of human subjects). In 1966 the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a program to eradicate smallpox from the world. Because it was impossible to vaccinate the entire world population, the eradication plan was to identify cases of smallpox and then vaccinate all of the individuals in that vicinity. The last reported case of smallpox was in Somalia in October 1977. An important factor in the success of eradicating smallpox was that humans are the only host and there are no animal reservoirs for smallpox virus. The strain of poxvirus used for immunization against smallpox was called vaccinia. Introduction of the Salk (inactivated) and Sabin (live, attenuated) vaccines for poliovirus, developed in the 1950s by the American physician and epidemiologist Jonas Salk and the American virologist Albert Bruce Sabin, respectively, was responsible for a significant worldwide decline in paralytic poliomyelitis. However, polio has not been eradicated, partly because the virus can mutate and escape the host immune response. Influenza viruses mutate so rapidly that new vaccines are developed for distribution each year.
Viruses undergo very high rates of mutation (genetic alteration) largely because they lack the repair systems that cells have to safeguard against mutations. A high mutation rate enables the virus to continually adapt to new intracellular environments and to escape from the host immune response. Co-infection of the same cell with different related viruses allows for genetic reassortment (exchange of genome segments) and intramolecular recombination. Genetic alterations can alter virulence or allow viruses to gain access to new cell types or new animal hosts. Many scientists believe that HIV is derived from a closely related monkey virus, SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus), that acquired the ability to infect humans. Many of today’s emerging viruses may have similar histories.
By the last half of the 19th century, the microbial world was known to consist of protozoa, fungi, and bacteria, all visible with a light microscope. In the 1840s, the German scientist Jacob Henle suggested that there were infectious agents too small to be seen with a light microscope, but for the lack of direct proof, his hypothesis was not accepted. Although the French scientist Louis Pasteur was working to develop a vaccine for rabies in the 1880s, he did not understand the concept of a virus.
During the last half of the 19th century, several key discoveries were made that set the stage for the discovery of viruses. Pasteur is usually credited for dispelling the notion of spontaneous generation and proving that organisms reproduce new organisms. The German scientist Robert Koch, a student of Jacob Henle, and the British surgeon Joseph Lister developed techniques for growing cultures of single organisms that allowed the assignment of specific bacteria to specific diseases.
The first experimental transmission of a viral infection was accomplished in about 1880 by the German scientist Adolf Mayer, when he demonstrated that extracts from infected tobacco leaves could transfer tobacco mosaic disease to a new plant, causing spots on the leaves. Because Mayer was unable to isolate a bacterium or fungus from the tobacco leaf extracts, he considered the idea that tobacco mosaic disease might be caused by a soluble agent, but he concluded incorrectly that a new type of bacteria was likely to be the cause. The Russian scientist Dimitri Ivanofsky extended Mayer’s observation and reported in 1892 that the tobacco mosaic agent was small enough to pass through a porcelain filter known to block the passage of bacteria. He too failed to isolate bacteria or fungi from the filtered material. But Ivanofsky, like Mayer, was bound by the dogma of his times and concluded in 1903 that the filter might be defective or that the disease agent was a toxin rather than a reproducing organism.
Unaware of Ivanofsky’s results, the Dutch scientist Martinus Beijerinck, who collaborated with Mayer, repeated the filter experiment but extended this finding by demonstrating that the filtered material was not a toxin because it could grow and reproduce in the cells of the plant tissues. In his 1898 publication, Beijerinck referred to this new disease agent as a contagious living liquid—contagium vivum fluid—initiating a 20-year controversy over whether viruses were liquids or particles.
The conclusion that viruses are particles came from several important observations. In 1917 the French-Canadian scientist Félix H. d’Hérelle discovered that viruses of bacteria, which he named bacteriophage, could make holes in a culture of bacteria. Because each hole, or plaque, developed from a single bacteriophage, this experiment provided the first method for counting infectious viruses (the plaque assay). In 1935 the American biochemist Wendell Meredith Stanley crystallized tobacco mosaic virus to demonstrate that viruses had regular shapes, and in 1939 tobacco mosaic virus was first visualized using the electron microscope.
In 1898 the German bacteriologists Friedrich August Johannes Löffler and Paul F. Frosch (both trained by Robert Koch) described foot-and-mouth disease virus as the first filterable agent of animals, and in 1900, the American bacteriologist Walter Reed and colleagues recognized yellow fever virus as the first human filterable agent. For several decades viruses were referred to as filterable agents, and gradually the term virus (Latin for “slimy liquid” or “poison”) was employed strictly for this new class of infectious agents. Through the 1940s and 1950s many critical discoveries were made about viruses through the study of bacteriophages because of the ease with which the bacteria they infect could be grown in the laboratory. Between 1948 and 1955, scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions revolutionized the study of animal viruses by developing cell culture systems that permitted the growth and study of many animal viruses in laboratory dishes.
Three theories have been put forth to explain the origin of viruses. One theory suggests that viruses are derived from more complex intracellular parasites that have eliminated all but the essential features required for replication and transmission. A more widely accepted theory is that viruses are derived from normal cellular components that gained the ability to replicate autonomously. A third possibility is that viruses originated from self-replicating RNA molecules. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that RNA can code for proteins as well as carry out enzymatic functions. Thus, viroids may resemble “prehistoric” viruses.
Because viral processes so closely resemble normal cellular processes, abundant information about cell biology and genetics has come from studying viruses. Basic scientists and medical researchers at university and hospital laboratories are working to understand viral mechanisms of action and are searching for new and better ways to treat viral illnesses. Many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are actively pursuing effective antiviral therapies. Viruses can also serve as tools. Because they are efficient factories for the production of viral proteins, viruses have been harnessed to produce a wide variety of proteins for industrial and research purposes. A new area of endeavor is the use of viruses for gene therapy. Because viruses are programmed to carry genetic information into cells, they have been used to replace defective cellular genes. Viruses are also being altered by genetic engineering to kill selected cell populations, such as tumor cells. The use of genetically engineered viruses for medical intervention is a relatively new field, and none of these therapies is widely available. However, this is a fast-growing area of research, and many clinical trials are now in progress. The use of genetically engineered viruses extends beyond the medical field. Recombinant insect viruses have agricultural applications and are currently being tested in field trials for their effectiveness as pesticides.

Contributed By:
J. Marie Hardwick


Fungus, any member of a diverse group of organisms that—unlike plants and animals—obtain food by absorbing nutrients from an external source. The fossil record suggests that fungi were present 550 million years ago and may have evolved even earlier. Today thousands of different types of fungi grow on and absorb food from substances such as soil, wood, decaying organic matter, or living plants and other organisms. They range from tiny, single-celled organisms invisible to the naked eye to some of the largest living multicellular organisms. In Michigan for example, the underground portion of an individual Armillaria mushroom, a type of fungus, extends more than 12 hectares (30 acres). Other fungi are among the longest-lived organisms on Earth—some lichens, a living partnership of a fungus and an alga, are thought to be more than 4,500 years old.
A large and widely distributed group of organisms, fungi perform activities essential to the functioning of all natural ecosystems. They are among the foremost decomposers of organic matter, breaking down plant and animal remains and wastes into their chemical components. As such, fungi play a critical role in the recycling of minerals and carbon. Fungi’s value to humankind is inestimable. Certain types of fungi, including several types of mold, have proven extremely valuable in the synthesis of antibiotics and hormones used in medicine and of enzymes used in certain manufacturing processes. Some fungi, such as mushrooms and truffles, are considered tasty delicacies that enhance a wide variety of recipes. Not all fungi are beneficial—some damage agricultural crops, cause disease in animals and humans, and form poisonous toxins in food.
Common fungi include mushrooms, puffballs, truffles, yeasts, and most mildews, as well as various plant and animal pathogens (disease agents), such as plant rusts and smuts. Some experts estimate that there are 1.5 million fungus species, of which approximately 100,000 have been identified. The unique characteristics of fungi led scientists to classify these important organisms into a separate kingdom, Kingdom Fungi (also known as Mycetae). Certain fungus-like organisms, such as downy mildews, water molds (also known as oomycetes), and slime molds, once classified as fungi, are now placed in the Kingdom Protista.
Fungi lack chlorophyll, the green pigment that enables plants to make their own food. Consequently, fungi cannot synthesize their own food the way plants do. In order to feed, fungi release digestive enzymes that break down food outside their bodies. The fungus then absorbs the dissolved food through its cell walls.
Depending as they do on outside sources for food, fungi have developed various living arrangements that enhance their opportunities for food absorption. Some fungi live as parasites, feeding on living plants, animals, and even other fungi. Certain fungus parasites injure plants and animals, causing millions of dollars of damage to farm animals, crops, and trees each year. For example, the fungus Ophiostoma ulmi, which causes Dutch elm disease, has killed tens of millions of elm trees around the world.
Fungi that obtain their food by breaking down dead organisms or substances that contain organic compounds, such as starch and cellulose, are called saprobes or saprophytes. While they are invaluable decomposers of organic material, saprobes can also cause food spoilage and destroy wood products. During the American Revolution (1775-1783), more British ships were destroyed by wood-digesting saprobes than by enemy attack. Some saprobes even grow in aviation fuels, where they breakdown the fuels, destroying their usefulness.
Some fungi also form highly specialized relationships with other organisms (see Symbiosis). For example, the roots of most plants develop a mutually beneficial association with fungi to form mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizae greatly increase the nutrient-absorbing capacity of the plant root—the fungus absorbs minerals from the soil and exchanges them for organic nutrients synthesized by the plant. Fungi also form mutualistic associations with various animals. For example, leaf-cutting ants cut pieces of leaves and bring them into their underground nests, where they feed them to certain fungi. These fungi primarily live in ant nests, and the ants eat nothing but the fungi. Some termites and wood-boring beetles use fungi to break down the cellulose in wood, making the wood easier for the insects to digest. Plant parasites such as rusts invade plant cells via specialized structures called haustoria that absorb nutrients from the cell.
With the exception of one-celled species, most fungi are composed of threadlike tubular filaments called hyphae. Each individual hypha is surrounded by a fairly rigid wall usually made of chitin—the same material that forms the exoskeletons of insects. Hyphae that are partitioned by dividing cross walls are called septate hyphae, and hyphae without cross walls are called nonseptate, or coenocytic, hyphae. Fungal cells contain cytoplasm, which is a mixture of internal fluids and nutrients. Cytoplasm flows freely within the hyphae, providing nutrients wherever they are needed.
Hyphae grow by elongation at the tips and by branching to form an interwoven mat known as the mycelium. As the mycelium develops, it may produce large fruiting bodies or other structures that contain reproductive spores. Fruiting bodies are often the most visible structure of a fungus, usually growing above the soil or other surfaces so that the spores can be dispersed by air currents or other mechanisms. In contrast, the mycelium is usually hidden beneath the surface of the plant, animal, or other material it is decomposing. For example, a mushroom mycelium is typically buried beneath the soil surface, while its fruiting body, the familiar umbrella-shaped structure, sprouts from the ground.
The wide variety of fungi demonstrate many reproductive methods. In general, most fungi reproduce by making tiny spores. Fungi typically produce large numbers of spores. A giant puffball, for example, produces an estimated 7 trillion spores.
Fungi typically follow a reproductive cycle that involves the production of sexual spores. These spores contain one or more nuclei and are usually haploid—that is, their nuclei contain one set of chromosomes. When environmental conditions are favorable, the spores germinate and develop into a mycelium that produces fruiting bodies with enormous numbers of sexual spores, which repeat the reproductive cycle. Some fungi produce asexual spores directly from hyphae, which then germinate to produce additional mycelium. The mycelium spreads rapidly, aiding the fungus in dispersal and colonization.
In the reproductive cycle of mushrooms, the mycelium contain hyphae of two mating types, sometimes called plus and minus strains, with no obvious anatomical differences distinguishing them. If plus and minus strains of hyphae fuse, sexual reproduction begins. Initially the nuclei of the two hyphae remain separate, producing an intermediate stage called the dikaryon, meaning “two nuclei.” The dikaryon stage can last from weeks to years, depending upon the species. The two nuclei in the dikaryon eventually fuse to produce a diploid cell—that is, a cell that contains one nucleus with two sets of chromosomes. This cell immediately undergoes meiosis, a type of nuclear cell division that produces offspring with half the genetic material as the parents. Meiosis usually produces four genetically unique haploid spores and the reproductive cycle begins again. This population of genetically different spores has a better chance of surviving environmental changes, such as disease or temperature changes, that may wipe out an entire population of genetically identical spores.
Many fungi can reproduce by the fragmentation of their hyphae. Each fragment develops into a new individual. Yeast, a small, single-celled fungus, reproduces by budding, in which a bump forms on the yeast cell, eventually partitioning from the cell and growing into a new yeast cell.
Scientists have long disagreed about how to classify fungi, and the classification systems are still developing. The first description of fungi was published in 1729 by Italian botanist Pier Antonio Micheli. Fungi were initially classified in the Plant Kingdom, and the field of fungus study, or mycology, developed as a branch of botany. Recognition of the unique characteristics of fungi led mycologists to establish a separate kingdom, Kingdom Fungi, in the late 1960s. More recently, some mycologists have noted that some organisms, such as slime molds, downy mildews, and water molds, have characteristics that place them in the Kingdom Protista rather than the fungi. Unlike true fungi, some slime molds have a mobile, multinucleate feeding stage similar to amoebas. Downy mildews and water molds produce motile cells for part of their life cycle, have hyphal walls that lack chitin, and make an egg cell and sperm nuclei. Some scientists have proposed that downy mildews and water molds deserve to be classified in a separate kingdom, called Kingdom Stramenopila.
Fungi are classified primarily by the type of spores and fruiting bodies produced. Many mycologists divide the Kingdom Fungi into four main phyla: Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota. A fifth phylum, Deuteromycota, is used by some taxonomists for fungi that typically produce only asexual spores.
The phylum Chytridiomycota, commonly called Chytrids, includes approximately 800 species that are found in aquatic (freshwater and marine) or moist habitats. Chytrids are among the smallest and simplest fungi. Most have a central body with small tubelike extensions, while others produce a small network of hyphae. Chytrids develop a structure called a sporangium that has motile spores equipped with a posterior flagellum, a long, whiplike tail that aids in locomotion. Chytrids grow as saprobes in damp soils and water, or as parasites of plants, animals, algae, protists, and other fungi. Some do not require oxygen and live only in the guts of plant-eating animals, where they break down material containing cellulose and other compounds. Because chytrid spores are motile, some mycologists have classified them in the Kingdom Protista.
The Zygomycota include approximately 900 terrestrial species, including many important decomposers, mycorrhizal fungi, and parasites of spiders and insects. One of the most common zygomycetes is black bread mold, often found on bread, fruit, and other foods. The fungus looks like a fuzzy growth with tiny black dots at the tips of the fuzz. The black dots are sporangia growing at the ends of special hyphae. The sporangia produce asexual, nonswimming spores called sporangiospores. Zygomycetes reproduce sexually by forming thick-walled zygospores.
The largest group of fungi, with around 50,000 known species, is the Ascomycota, or sac fungi. This group includes yeasts, lichens, morels, cup fungi, truffles, and a number of plant parasites such as powdery mildews. Named for the sexual spores produced inside saclike cells called asci (singular, ascus), Ascomycota also may produce very fine, almost powdery asexual spores called conidia. Certain Ascomycota such as cup fungi produce fruiting bodies with sexual spores on their upper surface, while others, including the truffles, produce sexual spores inside tuber-like fruiting bodies that develop underground.
Ascomycetes are used to produce Camembert and Roquefort cheeses. The slight grittiness in these cheeses is due to conidia being crushed between the teeth. The mold ergot, which infects the flowers of rye and other grains, produces toxins that can poison humans and other animals that eat the infected grain. The yeast Candida albicans is a common pathogen of humans, causing such ailments as oral thrush and vaginal yeast infections. In people with weakened immune systems, this yeast may spread widely throughout the body and become life threatening.
The Basidiomycota, also known as club fungi, include around 25,000 species of mushrooms, puffballs, bird’s nest fungi, jelly fungi, rusts, smuts, and shelf and bracket fungi. This division contains important plant parasites, mutualists, and saprobes, including decay fungi that cause brown rot and white rot of wood. These fungi are named for their specialized, club-shaped reproductive cells, called basidia, which form spores called basidiospores. Basidia may line gills or tubes on the underside of fleshy fruiting bodies, which consists of a stalk and cap—the familiar components of most mushrooms. Certain Basidiomycota produce spores inside tuber-like underground fruiting bodies, called “false truffles.”
Many basidiomycetes are saprobes, which play a vital role in the decomposition of litter, wood, and dung. A number of mushrooms are good to eat, such as boletes and chantarelles, both of which are highly prized for their distinct flavor. Other mushrooms are well known for their poisonous qualities, including the death cap (Amanita phalloides). Some, such as the liberty cap (Psilocybe semilanceata) and the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), are well known for their hallucinogenic properties. Smuts—such as Ustilago, which attacks corn, and stinking smut (Tilletia), which attacks wheat—are common basidiomycetes that invade flowering plants, especially cereal grasses, and cause serious economic loss. Rusts, such as Puccinia, which attacks wheat, invade plant cells of agricultural crops and forest trees, causing millions of dollars in losses each year.
The Deuteromycota, or imperfect fungi, comprise about 25,000 species, many of which do not have a defined sexual cycle. They typically reproduce asexually by spores called conidia on specialized hyphae called conidiophores. The deuteromycetes include many molds, some of which are important to humans. Penicillium, the mold used to develop the first antibiotic, is sometimes classified in the Deuteromycota. On the other side of the ledger, the deuteromycetes also include organisms such as ringworm that are serious animal and plant pathogens.
Fungi have been used as a food source since the beginning of recorded history. Mushrooms add flavor, texture, and nutritional value to many dishes. In North America in recent years, a variety of mushrooms have gained popularity, including portabella, cremini, oyster, morel, chantarelle, wood or tree ear, truffle, matsutake, and shiitake.
Truffles—tuber-like, fleshy fungi with a characteristic taste and aroma—are highly prized by gourmet chefs. Harvested most commonly in France and northern Italy, truffles are collected with the aid of trained dogs or pigs that use scent to hunt these fungi hidden beneath the soil. The price for truffles in Europe may reach as high as $500 (U.S.) per pound in some years.
Other fungi are used in the manufacture of foods. Yeast, for example, is added to fruit juice, which it ferments to produce wine. Yeasts also are used in the manufacturing of beer, and they are added to dough to make bread rise, producing more volume and a lighter texture in the final baked product. Certain molds are used to ripen cheeses, such as Brie, Camembert, and the characteristic blue-veined Roquefort. In Asia, fungi are added to soybeans and allowed to ferment to make several food products—soy sauce is made with the mold Aspergillus, and tempeh is made with the black bread mold Rhizopus.
Many fungi also produce biologically active compounds that are useful in manufacturing. These compounds include alcohols—such as ethanol and glycerol produced during fermentation—and plant growth regulators—such as giberellic acid, which is used in the promotion of plant and fruit development. Fungi are extremely important in the production of antibiotics; for example, penicillin, griseofulvin, cyclosporine, and cephalosporin are used to fight bacterial and fungal diseases worldwide.
Fungi are becoming an increasingly important tool in cleaning the environment. The accumulation of pesticides and other chemicals in the environment is destroying many ecosystems, and placing many animal and plant species at risk. A number of fungi are used in bioremediation, in which the fungi are mixed with polluted water or soil, where they decompose the organic material in pollutants and, in the process, detoxify them. Fungi employed in this effort include many that are commonly found in soils, such as Aspergillus, Fusarium, Rhizopus, Mucor, Penicillium, and Trichoderma. Fungi also have been used successfully to control insects, fungus pathogens, roundworms, and other organisms that cause damage and disease to agricultural crops.
Fungi cause about 100,000 diseases of plants, including about 70 percent of the major crop diseases, resulting in an economic loss of billions of dollars each year. These plant pathogens cause extensive disease to seeds, seedlings, mature plants, and aging plants, resulting in decreased growth and reproduction of crop plants. Fungi also attack forest trees and wooden structures.
A number of fungi cause diseases in humans and other vertebrates. In general, these fungus infections, or mycoses, develop slowly, recur more frequently than bacterial infections, and do not produce a lasting immunity in the body. A mycosis is classified in one of two groups, depending on the part of the body that is infected. A dermatomycosis is an infection of the skin, hair, or nails, such as ringworm or athlete’s foot. These infections rarely progress to the internal organs. Most respond well to medication, although treatment may take several weeks.
A systemic mycosis, which is an infection of the entire body, is typically more serious and can be fatal for individuals whose immune system has been weakened by diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or cancer. Fungal infections are typically spread by spores that enter the body through inhalation or through an opening in the skin. Some infections are passed from animals to humans or between humans. A few drugs are effective at treating systemic infections, but because treatment may last for several months to years to prevent relapse of the infection, these drugs often cause toxic side effects.
Fungi cause a number of human respiratory diseases. Coccidioidomycosis is caused by the yeast Coccidioides immitis. Although typically contracted by the inhalation of dust containing yeast spores, the fungus may also be introduced through the skin from infected soil. Initial symptoms may resemble the flu, with fever, cough, and possibly a skin rash, and the infection usually runs its course without specific treatment. In rare cases, the fungus penetrates internal tissues, such as the bones, joints, and brain, producing tumors that later form abscesses or ulcers. No treatment is available that can halt the course of this form of the disease.
Histoplasmosis is caused by the yeastlike fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, which grows in pigeon, bat, and chicken droppings. Contracted by the inhalation of dust from animal droppings, by ingestion, or through the skin. The fungus causing histoplasmosis lives as a parasite in certain tissue and blood cells of the infected person. An infection in the respiratory system is similar to tuberculosis—small spots form in the lungs—although these lesions heal on their own. A progressive form typically invades the bone marrow and is rapidly fatal.
Aspergillosis is an infection of the skin, nasal sinuses, and lungs or other internal organs caused by molds of the genus Aspergillus. The disease, contracted by the inhalation of spores, occurs most often among agricultural workers. Itching and pain are frequent symptoms, and if scratching is prolonged, the skin may thicken and become gray or black. A virulent type of pneumonia is caused by the yeastlike fungus Pneumocystis carinii, particularly prevalent in people with compromised immune systems, such as AIDS patients.
Mycotoxins are poisons produced by fungal growth in cereals, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. More than 100 species of fungi produce these toxins. The most common mycotoxin is aflatoxin, produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Commonly found on corn, peanuts, and tree nuts, the toxin also can be transmitted to humans through the milk, meat, or eggs of animals fed contaminated grains. Aflatoxin is the most potent carcinogen, or potentially cancer-causing agent, yet discovered. Other mycotoxins include trichothecenes and zearalenone, compounds known to injure the intestines, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus. They are produced by species of Fusarium that grow on grain, straw, or hay stored while damp. Occasionally, circumstances prevent the harvesting of grains during the autumn, and the grains lie dormant in the damp fields until they are harvested in the spring. These grains are especially vulnerable to trichothecenes and zearalenone contamination. A large outbreak of trichothecenes contamination occurred in Russia in early 1944 among hungry peasants who had been searching the winter fields for unharvested wheat and millet.

Scientific classification: Fungi are classified in the Kingdom Fungi, also known as the Kingdom Mycetae. The kingdom has five main phyla: Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Deuteromycota.

Contributed By:
Joseph Frank Ammirati
Michelle T. Seidl
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Shamoeel, lives in Lahore, is a truthseeker and has a passion for getting and providing education in a manner that takes the students out of the tangled method and teaches them in simple, clear and relevant style.



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